Hard Work Does Pay Off.

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Its 10:00am I still sleeping when my stupid phone rings. I wake up in a jolt and sluggishly answer the phone "hello this is Acadia...OH MY GOD NO WAY yeah thanks" I then jumped out of bed and did my happy dance. I couldn't believe it I got the job "THANK YOU LORD!!" I yelled as I fell to my knees "I so have to tell Alex" I said as I dialed his number "hello Alex?" I said into the phone "oh my Jesus Acadia people are sleeping don't you see what time it is?" asked Alex angrily. "I'll meet you at Mimi's Place in about 20 minutes be there" I said as I hung up on him. I opened the door and leaned against the rails of my balcony and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe it in a few days I would be traveling all over the world doing what I love. I got back inside my apartment and started getting ready. I cleaned up the place a bit and got ready.

My name is Acadia Wilson I'm 26 years old, I'm from Montana but I moved here to San Diego. I'm a photographer I love taking pictures and I love art. My mom doesn't really support me but oh well fuck her I moved her to show her that what I do is worth doing. A few days ago I had a job as a journalist but I got fired. So I went job hunting and I found out that Pierce The Veil wanted a personal photographer. I applied they interview me and I got the job.

I ran out the door with phone and bag in hand. My friends had introduced me to PTV and I loved it. The lyrics were awesome and the music was good. My favorite song is Wonderless it was just a beautiful song. I began to walk over go to Mimi's Place which was a small cafe down the street. "Hey Girl" said Alexander Octavian Johnson (that was his full name) down the street he was like a brother to me "hey Alex!" I responded as I gave him a hug. This guy is a heartthrob he is so not ugly he has a sculptured body, chocolate brown skin, and beautiful brown eyes I had to admit he was hot but unfortunately he's gay. "I just ordered some food" he said as we sat at a table beside the window "so tell me what u so happy about?" he asked. "Well remember Pierce The Veil?" I asked him as I placed my phone on the table "yes..." he said while sitting back. "Well they wanted a personal photographer and I applied and got the job" I said carefully. "Girl...ARE YOU SERIOUS!" he yelled as he jumped off his seat "FOR HOW MANY TOURS TELL MEEHH" he said happily. "Well its gonna be 2 tours" I said to him and we began to eat. "So when are you gonna start working?" he asked as he finished his blueberry pancakes "well...tomorrow" I said as I finished my scone. We oayed up and left.

After the awesome breakfast he made me go shopping for new clothes. We literally went to every store in that fucking mall just so u could get new clothes for the tours. I was so beat, but he wasn't he helped me pack the bags and het everything ready. "Hey Acadia" he called "yeah" I said "you lucky ass bitch you get to travel with 4 of the hottest guys in the world" he said as he folded and packed one of my shirts. "Hahaha that's what you get" I laughed and the rest of the time we messed around and had fun. Alex left a few minutes after 7 I finally sat down in peace without that guy asking me which pair of socks I wanted him to pack for me. I sat there and played some music the first song was Drifter by Falling In Reverse hmph...in a day I'll be a drifter myself I'll be a drifter chasing after a dream with my favorite band. I sat there for about 30 minutes doing nothing then I decided to take a bath and I filled the tub and jumped in. I put on some Beethoven and Bach, lit up some candles and relaxed and I received a call that I really didn't expect. "Hello?" I asked "hey is this uh...Acadia" asked a man "yeah this is her" "this is uh...Vic Fuentes from Pierce The Veil" said Vic. OH MY GOD I WAS SPEAKING TO VIC FUENTES ON MY PHONE I WAS FREAKING THE HELL OUT "we need to pick you up tonight at 9:00" he said carefully. Then he hung up.

Okay so its 7:45 that means I have about an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready. I quickly got out the bath and dried myself I wore a random shirt and shorts and began to check for what I needed. I got my equipment and packed it all. I finished that and I got ready myself I just put on a flowery dress and some combat boots I blow dried my hair and I was done. Okay so 8:56 the guys should be here at any moment I then heard my phone and I answered it "hello this is Acadia" I said "hey this is Vic again were outside" said Vic. I looked outside my balcony and saw Vic leaning against a white van. I returned inside grabbed my bags and took a last glance at my apartment I locked the door and was ready for a new start. I walked outside to discover the white van and 4 cute guys and I saw Vic I said to myself hard work really does pay off. :)

Its Harder Breathing Next To You. A Pierce The Veil Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now