Lubbock x Reader ~ Snowstorm

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Crystallized white flakes were swept down from the night sky in great swirls of wind, coating the world in a silvery white substance. The air was frigid, and as darkness blossomed into morning snow continued to fall- the drifts it was creating now deep enough to be dangerous.

The first thing [y/n] noticed when her eyes blinked open was the cold. Alone in her bed, the young woman only had a few blankets to keep herself warm.

But second was the darkness.

She sat bolt upright in bed, all thoughts of her freezing limbs forgotten as she was immediately put on alert. It was nearly pitch black, and she could see only the vague outlines of furniture in her room. Even on the darkest nights she could still see something. Was something wrong? Did one of Night Raid's enemies have an Imperial Arms that could create darkness? But no, that wasn't right. A frown appearing on her lips, [y/n] got out of bed, wrapping her blanket around herself in an attempt to retain what little warmth she had.

Although the young woman stumbled a bit as she tried to adjust to the darkness, she made it to her window. [y/n] reached up her hand, fingers touching the freezing glass and then shifting to the window's latch.

"Damn," she muttered as her half-numb fingers fumbled with the latch. When [y/n] finally managed to open the window, though, an exclamation of indignant surprise left her lips as something cold and wet fell inwards. She quickly shut the thing, muttering oaths under her breath. Apparently it was snow that had caused the unusual darkness, with ridiculously deep drifts enveloping the Night Raid headquarters.

Generally, [y/n] didn't mind snow. But now, soaked (the snow, despite the chill within her room, had melted quicker than she could brush it off) and freezing at an unknown hour of the morning, she was pretty pissed. To make matters worse, she didn't have a light source or any warm clothing in her room. This snowstorm had been quite unexpected, and all of her winter clothing (and most of the other Night Raid member's, most likely) was stored in the basement.

A shiver racked her body, and [y/n] sighed. Well, she did have a relatively warm coat that she'd left in the kitchen the other night. And if she went to the living room, she could start up the fire and try to thaw herself out. The more she thought about it, the better an idea it seemed.

So the young woman walked cautiously to her door, opening it and wincing as it made a loud creaking noise. Dammit, her eyes had barely adjusted to the darkness at all. [y/n] kept a hand on the wall as she walked down the hallway to the kitchen, mentally cursing her decision to not grab socks or at least something to cover her feet before leaving her room. Now they were numb, too, and she could barely feel them well enough to place one in front of the other.

But, focused as she was with her cold feet and keeping one hand on the wall to steady herself, [y/n] never bothered to put a hand out in front of her.

When she crashed into something solid (and surprisingly warm), then, [y/n] yelped in shock, swinging her fist forwards to ward whatever it was off.

"Holy shit!" The figure said with a cry, and [y/n] immediately relaxed as she recognized the masculine voice. The adrenaline that had momentarily raced through her veins was fading as quickly as it had come, and the young woman sighed in relief.

"Oh, Lubbock, it's you. Thank god... And sorry about that."

She could picture Lubbock's trademark grin, although she still couldn't make out more than a vague outline of him. "[y/n]! It's fine, but fancy seeing you here! Well, not 'seeing', but..." The green haired boy chuckled.

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