Chapter 1

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"Wait! ....Please wait!", I screamed after the handsome stranger, who's face I still hadn't seen...

It was dark , as we were in the woods and I was chasing after the stranger who had just saved me from drowning in the lake, after he'd given me CPR.

Even though we had been face to face, it was dark enough that I hadn't had a chance to look at his face clearly...once he realized I was ok, he'd gotten up , his voice almost a whisper , barely audible , he said "I must get going..."

And just like that, he'd taken off running through the dark woods.
I couldn't just let him go , not just like that, so I was now chasing after him... I ran faster and  finally caught up to him, as I grabbed his shoulder, out of breath, we stumbled and fell to the ground, but just as I was finally going to see his face- when suddenly...


"El perdón" by Nicky Jam ft Enrique Iglesias started blasting loudly on my phone, because my alarm had gone off, waking me up, and this had all been just a dream.  -_- Yay Samantha Monique Gonzales, I thought to myself, as another bad day of my sucky life had begun.

sophomore year hasn't been that great to be honest, and being an only child kinda sucks because it's just me, myself and I most of the time, since my parents are always traveling due to their jobs...or perhaps my life isn't so bad. I mean being the one and only infiltrated fan in La Banda, is actually pretty cool!

So my job is to spend time with these cute dorks,  and follow them around with my camera, interview them take pics and video clips and post them to La Banda Blog, in order to keep fans updated on how things are going, but most importantly, my job is to promote the remaining contestants in order to help them gain votes. So I guess you could say that nowadays I'm pretty much just hanging out with a group of hot guys just about every day of the week ;)  it's not so bad, I mean the only thing I mustn't do is pretty simple : ¡NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH ANY OF THEM!...PSHHH I can totally do this.

Besides, it's not like I could ever stand a chance with any of them, These were my only thoughts this morning as I headed to school.

Now , in the late evening, I was getting ready to meet up with the guys, because we were going to hang out. So I went for black tights and a blue mid thigh dress,  and I decided to throw a black leather jacket over it, and black combat boots, and hooped earrings, along with my silver necklace.

I barely put on some makeup, then left my dark brown hair , matching my dark brown eyes, in curls to the right side.

My mom drove me to Univision Studios which is where we had decided to meet up, and as I got off the car, she blew me a kiss, and yelled "GOOD LUCK MIJA, TENE CUIDADO CON EL DE LOS OJITOS VERDES HEHEHE" *spanish for "good luck sweetheart, watch out for the one with the pretty green eyes"* OHMIGOSH.... Woah...did she really just do that...yes she did..I could feel my cheeks turning as hot as a pot of chili...

But I managed to keep it together and said, "mami porfa, parale, Adios" *spanish for "Mom please, knock it off, Bye " and rolled my eyes at her.

Unfortunately, just as I turned around, I smelled his cologne before I saw him, there he stood...In a dark gray leather jacket, a black scarf matching his black v neck shirt, along with black jeans, and those black earrings, as well as those gorgeous green eyes of his.

He had that "James Dean Day Dream look in his eye" if ya know what I mean lol, and I was drooling, sorry I mean standing next to no other than, you guessed it, The Erick Brian Colon....oh Gosh no...How long had he been standing here? And worst of all did he hear anything? These were my only thoughts as he looked at me with such a smirk plastered on his face...Oh this will be one heck of a night...

Greetings lovely earthlings :-) sorry this chapter sucked, but I had to introduce the main character and stuff , maybe you'll like the next one better! So should I continue the story, yay or nay? Plz let me know what chu think in the comments🍉XOXO - mistique cherry lol :-)

Unexpected Stupid Feelings(Erick Brian Colon/CNCO) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now