Chapter 41

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Song of the chapter : Elastic heart by Sia

Sammy's POV

I nervously found myself swinging my feet back and fourth, trying to avoid Erick's gaze for my own sake.

I'd fall under the hypnotizing spell of his again , and most likely bail on Yoandri.

We hadn't really spoken since the day of the phone call with Yoandri, the day he found out I was leaving for good.

"Mami you're leaving because of me, aren't you?" He asked, slowly trying to take my hand into his.

"No, I'm leaving because I want to." I lied.

"Ok then tell me why you want to go?" He inquired.

"Um because...I...want to work with Yoandri." I didn't mean for it come out like that, but the words seemed forced out.

"Right, and I want to disguise myself as  Elmo and become a sycario." He replied mockingly.

"Really?" My eyes flickered from the pale tiles on the floor and his face.

"No, but that's not the point." He chuckled softly.

"Then what is?" I had a really bad feeling of where he was going with this.

"Quite frankly? You won't get mad if I tell you?" He asked, whilst tracing circles on the palm of my hand , as if he too , was nervous.

"Yeah go ahead."

"I really don't want you to go. And I know , I can perceive , that even though you're 'willingly' going, deep down, you know leaving isn't exactly the right choice. " he continued with pleading eyes.

"I don't think you understand. You see Erick, it's no longer a thing to consider, my decision has been taken and there's no going back. Let's face it, one of us had to do leave. We just can't go on like this, it hurts too much, it's better to move on and forget." I took my hand away from his.

"Move on and forget, you say? No. If it was possible I would've already done it. But it's not." He looked at me throughly.

"Passengers of flight 265 please report to the entrance at this time, and have your ticket handy." It was announced as time ticked by.

265. My flight.

"Goodbye Erick, that's my cue to go." I choked out, whilst getting up.

"The idea...of living without you, is just..unimaginable." He wrapped his strong arms around me, pressing me against him ever so tightly, as if his life depended on it. And in that moment, I closed my eyes and pretended this really wasn't our goodbye. I let myself inhale the familiar scent of his spice cologne, and hold this last moment, our last moment together , in whatever was left of my aching and shattered heart.

"Last call to passengers boarding flight 265, the plane will take off in just a few, if you are not in your seat by then , your flight will be missed." The last warning came.

"Adios Erick." I pulled away swiftly, holding back my tears.

No, I wasn't about to cry. He wasn't worth it, he never fought for me, I told myself.

"Pero Mami, yo Te Amo." He said softly, as if he too, was swallow the lump in his throat.

"But you never once fought for me, for us. And when you love someone, you overcome the obstacles getting in the way, you fight for them. But you never did, because perhaps you never really did love me, like you say." I shot him one last glance, trying to memorize even the most trifling of his features.

Our silenced continued a minute longer, as I awaited his reply to that, but just as I'd expected, it never came.
His piercing Jade green eyes complimented the most heart-aching frown I'd ever seen.

"That's what I thought." I broke the silence and rushed off to the check-in area, dragging my carry on behind me.

No Samantha Gonzales, you deserve better. Don't you dare cry over a boy who only used you. Who's not even man enough to fight for you.

I angrily rubbed my eyes , not caring that the mascara would make me look like I'd just come from a funeral.

You deserve better, but you love him. Despite all , you love him, My conscience prattled on.

Not once did I look back.

Haiiii! I'm so done rn, my feet are killing me -_- well this book won the update thing-a-majig ! But the Joel fanfic was pretty close! Anyways, team Erick , Yoandri, or Joel?

PS do u guys want next chapter to be in Erick's POV? Or Sammy's? Or Sammy's Abuelita ?


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