Chapter 9

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Song of the chapter : "hide Away " by Daya

Yoandri's POV

I don't remember the last time I was this nervous, not even during my audition to la Banda. BUT TODAY, Today I will finally get my so long awaited for "date "  with Samantha, well I said "hang out", but same thing , right? I mean it'll be just us hanging out, No Joel and No Erick!

Should I buy her flowers? No wait I don't want her to know I like her...or do I? What should I wear? Should I get a haircut? Which cologne should I put on? What if she thinks I smell like feet? Or worse yet , stinky rotten cheese and make her puke??! My head was spinning with all these questions and thoughts when I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a loud :


Some chubby dude with a unibrow, and a bushy mustache yelled at me in a thick Mexican Accent, as he almost ran me over with his truck , as I was crossing over and didn't see him coming.

I had my EarPods plugged into my ears, and was doing my usual morning jog, around 7 a.m, I had barely gotten any shut eye last night. I spent the whole night worrying about everything that could go wrong. I jogged back home, and as I opened the front door, My nostrils were greeted with the smell of bacon and eggs.

"Hola mami goodmorming!" I greet my mom who's in the kitchen preparing breakfast .

"Buenos dias mijito!" She says with a bright smile.

Typical of her, she's always happy, it's contagious!

"Mmmm something smells rico!"*good *
I say, looking over her shoulder.

"Eww you're so sweaty and you smell like you just crawled out of a dumpster, mi niño, go take a shower " she says shooing me away.

"Hahahaha it's my manly scent " I chuckle, before heading upstairs.

I take a quick shower and manage to get dressed in less than thirty minutes. I choose a black button up with white polka dots shirt, and black skinny jeans,along with black and white Vans. My choreographer expects me at Univision Studios in an hour or so, and I'm a nervous wreck.

As I'm combing my hair back, I stare at my reflection on the bathroom mirror, and can't help but think of her. I saw Samantha first , I liked her first, but Erick was the one who told Joel and I that he liked her, first. But secretly , I called dibs First!

I feel a little guilty to be honest, but my only hope is that she doesn't find out that I did know that Erick wasn't really into her at first, yet only used her for what she stood for. Considering the fact that he has his Cuban girlfriend, Jasmine, I didn't think he'd actually make a move on Sammy. But he's Erick , so of course he did. He's one of my bestfriends , but I swear sometimes he disgusts me. What kind of jerk would ever consider having two girls at the same time?! But whatever , his little act will blow up sooner or later, perhaps this Sunday...

"YOANDRI PACHUNGO CABRERA HURRY UP!" Shouted my mom from downstairs.

"Ya voy!" *coming* I shouted back.

I quickly rushed down the stairs and sat at our kitchen table, to eat.

10 minutes later, my mom and I are on our way to the Univision Studios.

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