Chapter 42

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Song of the chapter : "When I was your man" by Bruno Mars

Erick's POV

"You never fought for me."

The words echoed in my head as I watched her walk away. Chasing after her, a simple kiss and another vague promise I couldn't keep, could've possible made her stay.

But they do say, "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, the love was mutual, if they don't, it never was."

And I did love her. So I let her go, even though I knew she wouldn't be coming back to me.

She deserved to be happy, to put on that beautiful smile of hers, the real one, the one that was complimented with content amiable eyes.

Not the fake one, the one that hid pain behind it.

Pain that I'd caused. Pain that I'd never meant to cause, but in the end it didn't matter because it could never be undone.

"Estas bien loco?" I'm brought back to reality by Christopher's consolable voice.

"Yeah, just tired." I zipped up my leather jacket as we headed back to the van.

Not once did she look back. I'd half hoped she would, but half knew she wouldn't.

Ricky had decided to give us the day off, with Sammy's departure and Premio Lo Nuestro just around the corner.

The CNCO mansion wasn't quite finished yet, and seeing as the guys were hungry, our chauffeur was told to drive to the closest Chik-Fil-A around.

"I'm gonna miss her more than my mom misses her novelas." Whined Zabdiel.

"I still can't believe she left." Added Christopher, " Not after all we've been through."

"Right? Like I always thought you'd be the first to ditch us for a modeling contract, pretty boy." Chuckled Richard.

"Well what can I say, some of us were born to bless the eye sight of others." Smirked Christopher.

"At least I'll still get to see her, twice a week if not more. " smiled Joel, " Because she's still my girlfriend." He winked.

"Is it just me, or does anyone else get the impression she left because of someone ?" Asked Zabdi narrowing his eyes at me.

I didn't say anything,but ignored the question.

"Quite frankly, I think She....perhaps... has feelings for Yoandri."  Suggested Richard.

Now that can't be true.

"Haha good one . " Laughed Joel. " Oh you weren't kidding?" He asked when a vast silence fell over us.

"She just wanted to leave. That's all." I spoke up.

All eyes turned towards me.

"HOLY SHIT THE BOY CAN TALK !" Richard chuckled, seeing as I hadn't really spoken since she'd left.

"Shut Up Captain Obvious." Christopher piped in, " At least he's got feelings, instead of a cold piece of shit for a heart, unlike others."

"Can we not talk about Richard's do-doo right now?" Zabdiel grimaced in disgust.

"So anyways, as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted by Mr.I'm-SO-hot-jalapeños-got-nothing-on-me," Richard continued. "What if Sammy does actually like Yoandri?"

Unexpected Stupid Feelings(Erick Brian Colon/CNCO) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now