Chapter 25

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Song of the chapter : stone cold, by Demi Lovato

Sammy's POV

"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! " the crowd chanted.

Never before had I ever felt so speechless, and consumed into the depth of uncertainty.

I looked behind Joel, and down at the sea of unfamiliar faces...until my eyes met with the familiar intense gaze coming from a certain pair of emerald green ones.

I didn't have enough time to think, and swallow back the urge to run away, because all of a sudden, Joel cupped my face, and no sooner had our eyes locked, then his lips softly brushed against mine, inevitably sending tiny shocks of electricity through out my spine, though not as strong as the ones caused by Erick...

He pulled away, his hands lowered to my waist, as he said loudly , picking up the mic, "I LOVE YOU SAMANTHA!"

It felt weird. Yes it was pretend, he obviously didn't love me. But to hear those words felt just too weird.

Nonetheless I replied , " Love you too" coldly.

I'm sorry. I'm not a good actress. But you seem to be.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Erick aggressively walking away from the crowd.

Where was he going?

We walked down the stage, and made our way to the rest of CNCO, who were locked up in the limo,watching the show from there.

"Why'd you do that?! " I asked Joel.

"I had to" he replied smugly.

"No you didn't! Now Erick's all upset!" I groaned.

"Wasn't that the point though, to get back at him? I'm surprised you feel sorry for him when he only used you, and lied as well. Like can you not see that he's got a girlfriend, the dude literally rubbed it in your face!" Exclaimed Joel, angrily.

"That's not what we agreed though!" I yelled, equally loud.

"Listen Shorty, please don't run back to his arms and make me look like a fool, because everyone, even my family, thinks we're dating. So please have some dignity and self respect, and don't go back to him."

"You can't tell me what to do! " I snapped.

"But I'm your boyfriend", he grabbed my wrist.

"Let go! You're my PRETEND BOYFRIEND!" I pulled away from his grip.

"Yeah but you still owe me some respect."

"Suck my ass Pendejo!" I yelled walking away from him.

"Shorty wait up! " he yelled behind me.

"Nah I'm leaving. And maybe I don't wanna fake date you anymore! " I yelled back.

"Can you not? " he caught up to me, and grabbed my hand.

"Just don't talk to me. Don't touch me. Because I don't wanna talk to you right now." I said softly, as we walked back to the limo.

All the boys were sitting there, except for Erick.

"Great Performance Chicos! " I smiled at them.

"Cute couple you guys! " the boys said.

"Ha...thanks we try" laughed Joel, as I glared at him.

Unexpected Stupid Feelings(Erick Brian Colon/CNCO) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now