Chapter 10

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Song of the chapter: "Disparo al Corazon" (Johann Vera's Version)

Sammy's POV

Yes perhaps he deserved it, for being such a jerk. But I of all people, know exactly what it's like to have your bestfriend stab you in the back and go out with the person you like, cuz it happened to me. It was awful, and truly painful to see Erick's expression as he stood behind Yoyo, just as he had pecked my lips.

Call me naive if you want, but I didn't see this coming, I like the way things were before. When Yoyo hadn't kissed me, when I thought he only saw me as a friend : Because that's the only reason I was ever so comfortable around him.

"Woah Bravo, Amigo!" Erick says, as he claps, from behind Yoyo.

Yoyo then sits down...and I, at lost for words, and panicked, do the only thing I can: shove as many chicken wings into my mouth as I can possibly fit in there.

"Hola Erick, what a coincidence running into you here" Says Yoyo looking over at Erick.

*Stalker much* I cough , as Erick takes a seat to the right side of the table, so that he's like in between us.

"Well hey there mami!" He says looking at me.

"Hiiiii" I reply awkwardly.

"So how long has this been going on? " he asks staring at Yoyo.

"I mean, since when did my bro, by far one of my best friends, stab me in the back and start hooking up with my girl" he adds, voice calm, yet there seemed to be a vein on his forehead ready to pop out.

"Aye aye! Watch your mouth boy!" I suddenly speak up.

"We were just hanging out, and well I don't know what just happened, but I can assure you it never happened before" adds Yoyo, frowning.

"And even if we were hooking up, that would be none of your business" I tell Erick.

"Yeah but that's the thing, Because you see , YOU ARE MY BUSINESS!!!" He says looking deeply into my eyes.

"No, I'm not! but you know who is?" I ask him.

"What? Who?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Your stupid Cuban girlfriend, ya know,  the one you were talking to on the phone the other day! Your 'baby'!" I tell him sarcastically.

"If you'd let me'd see that you're dead wrong!" He says loudly.

"No she's not!" Says Yoandri.

"Wait what?! YOU KNEW ABOUT HIS GIRLFRIEND???!" I ask Yoandri.

"Well...I..." he says , eyes on the floor.

"ANSWER ME??" I scream at him one last time.

"Yes..I did know...I've always known about his girlfriend..." He says in a low voice.

"Why didn't you tell me before???! Every time I found out about something, I go to this jerk and he denies, denies ,denies it all, and I've felt like I'm going insane!" I say , feeling my stupid eyes starting to get all watery again.

Stahhhhp it you stupid eyeballs don't chu dare!!! Or I'll pour hot sauce on you

"Sammybear I was going to tell you....soon." Yoyo says reaching out for my hand, across the table.

"No don't! Don't you dare touch me! And I'm not your fucking bear!" I say angrily pushing his hand away.

"Yeah man keep your filthy paws away from her!" Scowls Erick.

"I'm not a dog, I don't have paws stupido!"says Yoyo giggling.

"Have you been following us around? " I ask Erick.

"No of course not" he replies.

"Then are you telling me it was a coincidence that we all just happened to be here?! Haha please!" I say sarcastically.

"Well yeah, I had something very decent planned for this lovely someone, I ordered a special pizza just for her, and was planning to head to her house and come clean with the whole truth...but then -" Erick was saying, But was interrupted as

our nasty waitor returns with a pizza box in his hand. he looks at Erick and says :

"Mr.Colon, your special pizza is ready! The girl's name is written in cursive , well cheese actually, on the crust on the top half, as you requested."

Erick barely lifts the top of the box, only enough for him to see its contents. He smiles sadly, and takes out his wallet, then pulls out one of his credit cards.

"It's's truly a shame that who it was meant for, won't be getting it anymore. But here's my credit card, you know what to do"
Says Erick softly, mostly to himself, as he hands over his credit card to the waitor.

When the waitor leaves, I lean over to reach Erick's pizza box, but just as I'm about to lift up the top of the box, he snatches it away.

"Ayye chill, I just wanted to see this 'special pizza' of yours, which one of your girlfriends is it for? Apparently you've quite a few , huh? " I ask him sternly,trying to not sound bothered by his stupid little act.

"Awe mami you're jealous!" He smirks.

What??! How dare he??!

"No of course not! I'm just curious, that's all! " I reply.

Meanwhile, Yoyo nervously sits there sipping Coke from his glass, sipping and slurping through the straw like a three year old, as he watches Erick and I quarrel.

Someone's phone starts ringing, and I immediately glare at Erick, who holds up his hands, saying "no mami it's not my phone this time"

"I really have to take this, please excuse me guys" Says Yoyo, leaving and going to the bathroom.

Once he's out of sight, I turn my attention to Erick again.

"You know what?! Screw you! For lying to me, and for ruining my ....I mean our...da-....'outing' ! I'm opening that box wether you like it or not!" I snap at him.

"Alright then, go for it!" He challenges.

This time I eagerly get up from my chair, I'm headed straight for the pizza box.

I'm standing beside Erick, as I slowly begin to lift the top part of the jaw drops low, as I see the contents....a heart - shaped Hawaiian pizza. On the top part of the crust, Samantha Gonzales , is written in cursive, well provolone cheese actually. And in the middle, with pineapple, "like this pizza, my heart also belongs to you mami!" Is spelled out.

I stand there looking at the pizza, speechless...with my hands on both sides of the box.

Once again I'm speechless...and I suddenly feel two familiar warm hands wrap around my waist, pushing me to sit on his lap.

And I don't know why, but I let him.

Then his lips softly brush against my ear, and he whispers

"Mami , like this pizza, my heart belongs to you, and I know there's so much to explain, and as much as it kills me to say this...I'm willing to tell you the truth. The whole truth. That's what I planned on doing today. Despite the fact you'll probably hate me even more after you hear it...but I can't live like this anymore" as he softly strokes my hair.

Short chapter, but Ayeeee early update! Just cuz you guys are so freaking AMAZAYN :D hehe so do we still got more Yoyo + Sammy shippers ? Or Sammy + Erick?

-Erick's heart shaped pizzas, and Yoyo's pink lips,


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