Getting over myself

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Me and Draco finally landed and I flopped on the snow covered ground.

"Land Sweet Land!" I exclaimed, teasing Draco about his flying job. "I'm never leaving you again!"

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad" Draco commented, lying down next to me.

"Draco. I fell off. Three times. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you. Fool me three times, and I have the right to miss the ground." I stated.

"I was just having a little fun." Draco claimed.

"I was screaming at you not to do those god forsaken flips! For 5 minutes straight!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, so maybe I did go a bit overboard" Draco responded.

"A Bit? That's an Understatement" I laughed.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it after the second time" Draco stated.

"I DIDN'T!" I exclaimed.

"Then why were you laughing?" Draco asked.

"You know Damn well why I was laughing" I exclaimed.

"Do I?" Draco asked. I blushed.

"because it was with you" I mumbled under my breath.


"Because it was with you"

"Didn't quite catch that, Corrine"

"It Because It Was With You, Alright? If It had Been Anyone Else I Would Have Killed Them" I blurted out. Draco smirked.

"It's okay, you're really pretty when you laugh." Draco commented. I blushed darker.

"Do you want me to walk you back?" I asked after a moment of thinking.

"Walk me back? Where?" Draco asked.

"Back to that friend zone that you nearly tried to escape." I laughed.

"You will pay for that smart remark, Snaproot" Draco scoffed.

"Hey, don't ack like you didn't deserve it" I snickered. I stood up and grabbed his hand. "And now it's time for my favorite sport, come on" I stated, and dragged Draco along to the lake. I then did up my blonde hair into a braid and then flicked my wand to change into the appropriate clothing for Ice Skating. My custom practice sweats, sweatshirt, and my lovely skates. Then I flicked my wand at Draco and he got skates too. I laughed as I watched him struggle to keep balance. And he wasn't even on the Ice yet. I flicked my wand and laced Draco's and my own skates, siamotainously. I put my wand away and pulled Draco onto the Ice. Then I put a balance spell on his skates so he wouldn't fall over.

"Alright rookie, let's see how you do on the Ice" I stated, grabbing his wrist. I skated really fast, and then flung Draco in front of me, and watched him skate. He was screaming. I shook my head and chased after him, doing a few tricks along the way then stopping short when I saw Draco and started skating backwards. "So?" I asked, while doing a simple backwards cross-step to keep up with Draco's slow pace.

"How the bloody hell do you do this?!" Draco exclaimed.

"You seem to be doing fine, you haven't fallen yet, that's a good sign" I stated, turning around by doing a double jump.

"Get me off this Ice, Corrine" Draco scowled. I shook my head.

"Sorry Draco, this is payback for all those flips" I stated. Then Draco grabbed my arm. I smirked. "I'll warn you, I like going fast." I took off and didn't stop until I felt Draco's nails, digging into my arm. I looked back to him. He didn't look to well. "You okay? You don't look too hot" I stated. Draco smirked.
"You thought I looked hot at one point?" Draco asked. I rolled my eyes.

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