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Jungkook POV

"Are rehearsals over yet?" I whined. I wanted to get home.

"No kookie. We've just gotta practice one more song and then we can take you back home." RapMon said.

They always treated me like a baby, and spoke to me like one. Yeah I may be the youngest in the group but they don't know what I can do.

*10 minutes after No More Dream was rehearsed*

"Home now." I groaned And RapMon nodded rolling his eyes.

"Bye! I'll see you tomorrow." I waved to the boys and then left the room with Rapmonster.

When we got to mine I left RapMon and immediately unlocked the door... But it was already unlocked?

"Why is the door unlocked? I locked it for your safety!!" I shouted from the hallway.

I got no reply so I went up stairs. I couldn't see my girl. But all of a sudden I heard a moan and I started to panic.

I went into my bedroom to see her with another guy!?

"WHAT! What.. Who? Why..?" I spoke. My heart was in my throat. I couldn't move. Why would she do this to me? She's cheating on me.

"Oh... Kookie.. It's not what you think it is.. Um..." Y/N stumbled and blushed.

"Forget it.." I said with a tear strolling down my face as I left my room.. My house.

I immediately called RapMon and told him what I just witnessed. I waited outside with my head hanging low until RapMon kindly picked me up to take me to his.

"Thanks Hyung.." I said sadly when RapMonster arrived.

I told him what I saw - not in too much detail. He allowed me to stay at his for the night.

The next morning

I woke up barely getting any sleep last night. Rapmonster was asleep so I just left his house trying not to disturb him.

I walked down the road to my house where I saw my girl cheating on me..

I had to go and speak to her.


I told that guy to piss off. I can't believe I just did that.. To my kookie. He'll never forgive me. I'm an idiot.

I heard a knock at the door and after bothering to get up, I went to answer it. It was JungKook.

"Look.. About last night I was drun--" he cut me off. He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs into the bedroom.

"I can't believe what you did last night Y/N. I was begging to leave rehearsals earlier because I wanted to see you. You're my girl.. I just.. Can't believe that you would do something like that." He said almost crying.

My heart sunk. I've never seen him this upset before.

"Kookie. I couldn't help it. I was drunk that night. You know I get depression easily and I thought drinking would solve it. Obviously not." I said with sadness, "I love you so much kookie. Last night was a mistake. Please... Don't leave me." I pleaded and he looked up at me.

He kissed me passionately whilst placing his hand in  between  my legs.

"Saranghae Y/N" he moaned as he sucked my neck.

"Saranghae" I said.

I guess he forgave me.

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