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A/N this is my first request woo!!

For: army_for_life

When the bell rang, you made your way to your favourite lesson - cooking. Not only did you love cooking but you had your eyes on one of your classmates. Kim Seok Jin.
You adore him. He was so passionate about his cooking, his lips looked kissable, he made your heart melt when he smiled, his hair was perfect.
As you you made your way to your lesson, you accidentally bumped into Jin who was quickly walking to get his cook book. You looked up at him in embarrassment. "Uh.. Sorry." You stumbled. "No I'm sorry, I should've taken care. Your beauty must have blinded me." He said whilst picking my book up. You blushed even more and thanked him for getting your books.
Brrrrrrring! The bell went, lessons have now started "oh damn, you can blame me for being late. I just Gotts get my book." He exclaimed. "You can just borrow mine, ask to sit next to me... That's if you want to." You said. He nodded and walked with you to your lesson that's already begun.

As you opened the class, the whiteboard had a paragraph written from our teacher:
Dear classes, I will not be in today. Please flip to page 45 and get so,e ideas and cook your own meal. Put them in the fridge at the back. You will be graded. Good luck! ~MR. Hoseok

Jin glared at you and then finally decided to speak, "I think we should make something together, I'm sure the teacher won't mind." He smiled. You agreed and we made our way to my table.

As we started to get our ingredients, Jin quickly left me alone and went to go write something - you thought it was just steps for the recipe. Oh you were VERY wrong.
He came back with a smile and said nothing. "Didn't you write the recipe?" You questioned. "No, I wrote something much more important." He handed me the note, "read it.." He said then quickly started to knead the dough for the bread you both decided to create. As you opened the note, your heart raced. Many questions were popping up into your head. You opened the note and a smile creeped up on you face. You turned to Jin who was also smiling but also looked worried.
"Of course I will go out with you, I've had a crush on you for ages." You confessed to him. He smiled and hugged you, forgetting about the food. You looked into each others eyes and slowly made your lips crash into his. Forgetting you two were in class, the kiss became passionate. He travelled his hands down to your waist. You felt slightly turned on but suddenly your heart sank.
"J..Jin. We can't do this here." You said disappointedly. "Then let's skip lessons." He whispered.
"But isn't this your favourite lesson?" You said. "Yeah but only because I got to see you and your beauty. I mean, I lobe cooking but you make it better. Let's just skip today. I can make something at home for our projects." He said, desperately wanting me.
You nodded and we skived class, you felt so bad but you knew you would love what he was going to do to you.

Hope you liked it ^^ I had a hard time writing this as I was stuck for ideas aha.
Requests are still open c: ~Sav

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