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Request for : mylittlealienV <3

You picked up the remote for the TV and switched the channel.
"Hey what was that for?" Jungkook, your boyfriend, whined.
"I was enjoying that programme." He tried to snatch the remote off you but you held it high above his head so he couldn't reach, he couldn't be bothered to get off the sofa and grab it.

"I wasn't. I'm not into your racing programmes, they bore me. And I want to spend time with you." You put the remote out of Jungkook's reach and crawled back on the sofa to wrap your arms around him.
He hugged you back. "Then what do you want to do?" His gleaming, chocolate eyes stared at you, making you intimidated by his charms.

"I don't know," you sighed. "What do you have in mind?" You kissed his chin.
"Hmmm... Well I found this app called Wattpad and apparently the fans write books about me and the members for the readers." He said, pulling out his phone.
"Where are you going with this?" You made yourself curl up in a ball.
"Well... Since we are both bored and you obviously want me--"
"JEON JUNG KOOK!!!" You laughed.
"We know it's the truth. Anyways, I thought we could Roleplay one of their books... For fun?" He scratched the back of his head, his face turning pink whilst looking at you.
"Um. Well only if it's got nothing to do with racing cars." You sniggered.
He shook his head at your comment, grabbed your hand and ran to the bedroom.
"Woah slow down. Why are we here? I was comfy on the sofa."
"You whine too much." He kissed you on the cheek. "Plus it says the 'Roleplay' starts in the bedroom." He flicked through his phone.
Oh god.. You mutter to yourself in your head.

"Alright, so I know the basics of what I've got to do. You just go along with it okay?" He held your hand. You nodded still sat on the bed, not knowing what to do.
"Babe, you look beautiful when you wear no make up." Jungkook's soft hand touched your blushing cheek.
"Uh..Thankyou." You held his hand and put his other hand down on your lap.

Your boyfriend edged closer to you, taking this roleplay seriously. "I think you'd look better without those tracksuit bottoms on. Ya know.. Just in your pants." He licked his lips.
You sat there frozen not know what to do. You've only got undressed in front on him twice so you still weren't used to this kind of stuff.
"Just go along with it if you feel comfortable. Tell if you're not and we'll stop." Jungkook whispered in your ear, reassuring you.

"Well.. Today's your lucky day." You spoke up. You started to take off your tracksuit bottoms in front of his widened eyes. Inside you were scared that he was joking about this whole Roleplay thing and wanted to embarrass you, but you trusted him with your life so you kept going.

"There." You sighed.
"Babe... I knew I was right." He placed his hand on your knee.
"Well, I think you'll look better without this." You ripped his shirt off him, luckily it wasn't his favourite.
Fire was in his eyes, he gave you a smirk and moved a bit more closer.

"Better take this off you then." He lifted your shirt, you allowing him. You sat in front of him in a bra and pants - not forgetting there were both lace.
He licked his lips again and moaned.
"You look so good." He said smiling.
"Take those off and you'll look better!" You giggled pointing to his trousers.
He shrugged and pulled them down, revealing his large member.
This time you licked your lips, making him chuckle.

He grabbed your hands and pinned you down on the bed, hovering over your body.
You struggled to get out of his grasp.
"Sorry but... This is what happens in the Roleplay." He winked.
He burried his head in your neck and started to leave marks.
He looked back at your face, you biting your lip. "You are okay with this, aren't you?" He asked kind heartedly.
"Yeah. Go ahead." He giggled. He smiled and pulled down your pants.

"Ready?" He hovered his tip over you. You nodded, closing your eyes, waiting for him.
He slowly entered your making you groan.
"F-further.." You breathed. He smirked and pushed in forward, hitting your spot at he did so.
"Right there!! Kookie!!!" You moaned loudly. "I love it when you call me kookie, Y/N." He thrusted in and out.
"Ahh~~!!! K-kookie." You tried to hold your moans back but he kept hitting your g spot every time.
"B..baby.." His moan escaped his lips.
"I'm.. Gon-"
"So am I..." He pulled out and collapsed beside you, you both panting.

"I like the idea of this Roleplay. Should do it more often." You said after you caught your breath.
"You cheeky... Come here!" He held his arms out and you hugged him.

"I love you Kookie."
"I love you too Y/N, I will forever."

Ah! Hope you liked it. This is very cringy and bad but I tried my best.
Happy to have more requests ^_^

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