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For my favourite person: army_for_life

You picked up the phone, your heart raced as your raised your phone to your ear.
"What's the news?" You asked the doctor on the other end of the phone, "I'm afraid he's only got until tonight." He sadly said. You dropped the phone causing it to smash the screen. You were frozen from the shock.


"Baby.. Baby.. BABY WAKE UP!" You screamed gently slapping Suga's face. You got no response. "...Babe, talk to me please.." His pulse was slow and you decided to ring the ambulance.

Lights were flashing blue outside your house. You caught one more look at your boyfriend and then he was rushed into the ambulance. You couldn't join his as you had a phobia of medical things (weird I know).

End of flashback.

You twitched your eyelids and fell back on the sofa. Tears flooded your eyes trying to escape. You couldn't believe your oppa only had 3 hours left to live. Why though? He was happy and healthy... To you anyway. Was he keeping something from you? Did he tell you everything or not? A billion questions flew through your head causing you to have a headache.
You grabbed your coat off the hanger, grabbed your car keys and drove to the hospital were you boyfriend was, dying slowly.

When you got to the hospital you immediately went to his ward and tried finding the sign that said: Min Yoon Gi - Male. After countless seconds flying past, you found the sign and ran straight up to his hospital bed.
" are you okay." You said trying not to cry in front of him. The sound of your voice hit his ears and made him smile. "I am now." He smiled. You gently gave him a hug. You tried to ignore the cannula in his hand when he wrapped his arm around you. "Baby, is there something you haven't told me? Because now would be a good time." You sweetly said. He nodded slowly and sat up. He held your hand, "Yes there has been. I knew this day would come but I didn't know it would come so early. I didn't want to tell you so you didn't worry all the time about me. I..I have cancer. I was going to tell you at some point but I didn't know I would be saying this whilst I have little time to live." He's eyes started to water. So did yours. "At least you didn't keep it a secret forever." You giggled nervously as tears came pouring out. He hugged you once more, he didn't want to let go.

You spoke for hours but soon, his life would end. "..and that's why I haven't been to rehearsals too. The boys knew about it and are thinking about stopping the band." He stopped talking. He clutched his chest, letting go off your hand. "Ugh...." He groaned, he was near to death. His eyes filled up even more and then he slowly laid down. 
He looked at you, "I love you so much. When you find someone and have kids, call them after me." He winked. "Yoongi... Don't go." You cried.
"I love you.." He whispered. His chocolate eyes slowly closed, his heart monitor slowing down.
That was the last time you got to stare into his eyes. You placed your hand on his heart. You felt nothing.

He was gone...

A/n: sorry if that made you cry. I was actually crying whilst writing aha.
*internet hug*
This was kinda experienced (this is basically me with my sister without the lovey Dovey stuff) my sister died of cancer too..

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