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You crashed on the sofa, holding the only printed photo of you and your ex, Taehyung. You still loved him and missed him so much. You were incomplete without him. It was weird waking up without him next to you, not being woken up to the touch of his lips on yours, stroking your hair. You missed going with him and watching him at rehearsals and also talking to the other guys - they would tell you how much he went on about you. The scene that happened between you two last night kept replaying in your head.


He smashed the plate on the floor. "You know what? I'm fed up with living in this house, I could live somewhere better. I'm fed up of you going to parties and coming back drunk every other weekend. I'm fed up of the boys talking to you. I'm fed up of having to keep on top of your cleaning. And you're always so depressed too." He listed. "The one thing I'm mostly fed up about..." He paused thinking about what he was about to say, "I'm mostly fed up with you." When he said those 6 words your heart sunk. You felt like you were shot by bullets a hundred times. "I'm leaving you. I'm leaving this place. I'm forgetting you. Get out of my life!" He shouted and with that, he went and got his clothes. When he stomped upstairs you were left in a messing. You fell on the floor, crying in floods of tears. Makeup running down your face. As you heard his footsteps getting louder, you heart beats became more faster. "Bye Y/N.. Bye forever.." He said, slamming the door behind him..

*end of flashback*

Once again, you felt the cold and sour tears glide down your face. Your heart began to break even more. Every time you think of what happened last night you got worse and worse. Whilst staring at the Photo of you and Taehyung your phone began to vibrate. You ignored it, too lazy to answer and too distraught to speak. It buzzed again, you ignored it still. The third time you urged to answer it. You picked your phone up to see Jin was ringing you. "H..hello?" You sniffed.

"Hey Y/N. What's wrong?" He said. "Wait let me guess... Taehyung--" you cut him off. "Just... Don't mention him, I'm already trying to keep my tears in whilst talking to you." You sniffed again. "Pass me the phone.." You heard someone in the background. It was Taehyung's voice. "No. No." Jin whispered then came back to the phone "Well, come speak to me. You know your way here." And before you can deny his request, he ended the phone call. You had to go there now.

You wiped off your make up and drained your eyes from the tears. You took a deep breath and left your house and drove to the boy's rehearsal room. You hope that you don't see Taehyung there.

As you reached your destination, you opened the door that was already unlocked and made your way to the main room. You saw all the boys except Taehyung - thank god. You sat down next to Jin and cried your eyes out before saying a word. Jungkook came and sat next to you on the other side and rubbed your back slowly.
"I..I just miss him so much and it's only been a day." You whined. "It's okay darling, one of the reasons why I wanted you to come here was to talk to Tae." He said. Your heart stopped and you looked up at him. "What.. No.. I'll have a break down.." You said shocked.

After a moment of silence and whilst Jin was working his way towards a reply, the door opened from the hall to the main room. It was him. Your heart skipped a beat. You missed him and you were about to run and give him a hug, but that would just be awkward.  "...Tae..." You managed to say half of his name before he walked up to you and grabbed your wrist, leading you into the hall with the door slamming behind you. "Don't fight guys, please!" Jungkook shouted through the thin wall.

You stared at him afraid of what he was going to do/say. "What do you want?!" You raised your voice, trying to forget the sadness within you. "I want to apologise for being such a jerk." He said looking at the floor, still having a slight grip on your wrist. "I'm sorry baby," he began and already you wanted to forgive him, " I was a complete jerk. I shouldn't have brought up about your depression. I don't care if you get drunk at parties, as long as I'm drunk with you. And I don't care about your mess and the house. It's perfect as long as I'm still with you." He said raising his head. "Forgive me please!" He begged. At first your couldn't find the right words to say. But at last you finally spoke, "I..I forgive you." You said and with that you hugged him tightly. "Thankyou." He whispered into your ear and planted a kiss on your lips then wiping a tear that managed to escape your eye.

You smiled at each other and then locked fingers. He opened the door to see the boys stressing to see if you two were okay. When J-Hope noticed you were holding hands he smiled, "I think they're together again." You nodded and then kissed Taehyung.

"I love you Y/N." He whispered.

"I love you too TaeTae." You answered.

"Awwwwwww" the boys smiled.

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