Jimin - More Than a Friend

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For my internet buddy: army_for_life :)

*middle school*
You just joined your new school. You were surrounded by strangers that will soon become friends. As you scattered through the never ending hallway, you finally found your way into your classroom, you were introduced by your teacher. Whilst she spoke you scanned your classmates so you could familiarise yourself with their faces and names. One of them, to who was a boy, caught your eye. He was a piece of eye candy. You couldn't help but stare at his amazing features. Especially his hamster-like cheeks. You just wanted to poke them. When he looked up from his phone to meet your contact, you quickly looked away and let a piece of hair cover your eye and half of your flushed face.
"You may now sit down next to Park Jimin at the back." Your teacher pointed to the guy you had your eye for. He then smiled at you which caused you to smile back at him as you made your way to your seat which was next to him.
"Hey." He whispered to you. His voice was a little bit higher than you thought but it was cute to you. "..hi" you whispered back, your voice nearly creaking from the shyness that felt from within you. He then looked at you and his eyes scanned you - from what you could see in the corner of your eye.
You slowly moved your head to face him but he quickly looked back at the teacher who was writing something on the board. You caught one quick glimpse before being spoken to by the teacher who was in fact talking to the whole class.
"So, does anyone know the answer this question (12x12+5)". You instantly figured out the question and you spoke out, "149!" You said quietly.
"Correct. And quick!" The teacher noted.
"You're pretty smart." Jimin quietly said to you.
"It's pretty easy if you ask me..."
Gah I sound like a nerd now. You thought to yourself.
He smiled then got out his phone from under the desk.
You looked at the clock 1:13. 2 more minutes till lunch.

When you glanced at the clock again, it was 1:15 - lunch time. You grabbed your bags slowly, watching people exit the class.
"Uhm, I wasn't told exactly where to go for lunch. " you told your teacher.
Just as she was about to speak, Jimin interrupted you. You forgot he was in the room. Tad bit awkward. "I'll take you. You can follow me." He said walking past me then jolting his head forward as an indication for you to walk with him.
You said your farewells to your teacher and scurried off to follow this handsome guy.
Once you caught up with him he met your eyes, "so you liking this place so far?" He asked kindly. You didn't think he would talk about this.
"Yeah it's alright. No bullies so far. Aha.." You awkwardly giggled. He stopped in the middle of the hallway, "wait... Bullies?"
"Yeah.. I got bullied a lot at my old school. That's why I moved here." You saw worry seep into his eyes.
"Why would anyone want to bully you? You don't deserve it - no one does." He stared into your eyes. "No one will be bullying you here. If someone does, tell me." He sounded so sweet. A smile couldn't help but creep on your face. "Thank-You... I really appreciate it." You said quietly. After that you two strolled through the hallway which was filled with conversations of others. You two reached the lunch hall.
"I'm gonna go to the canteen and get some food. You can wait over there," he pointed "and I'll sit next to you so you're not lonely." He smiled. You nodded and made your way to the empty table. Being eyeballed by strangers made you nervous but you tried to ignore your surroundings. You went to get you lunch out of a bag but something stopped you, you turned to your left to see some random dude staring at you.
"Well hello there beautiful!" He sneered. You flushed but not due to the compliment, but due to that you didn't know this guy and you felt like some bad was going to happen.
"How come I've never seen you around before?" He asked then turned his head to a group of dudes and winked like this was all planned. You decided to go with it, "I'm new." You said shortly. He edged closer to you, then started stroking your hair which made you uncomfortable.
"We should hang out some time." His breath stank of cigarettes which made you turn away.
"Leave me alone please, I would like to eat thankyou very much!" You said with slight attitude.
"No." He bluntly said. Your stomach dropped. "I won't be ordered by some puny new-girl." He slapped you across the face. The smack was so strong you fell off your chair. Whilst falling you saw Jimin Rush up to you with a tray in hand.
"JEON JUNGKOOK WHY!" You heard Jimin shout as he rushed to help you.
"Oh... Someone's in love! Saving your princess are we?" The bully said sarcastically, accompanied by laughs from the group of low-life dudes. "Just go... Go..." Jimin demanded.
As the bully left you two at the end of the lunch hall, his group followed him highfive he him.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked. "Not really." You said, tears flooding in your eyes. He held your hand and helped you back onto your chair and gave you a friendly hug.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help sooner. I didn't know you were in trouble."
"It's fine." You wiped a tear away from your eye.
"I'll eat this quickly and then we can go to my place on the field. No one goes there." He said and you nodded.

*in the field*
You followed Jimin to his place in the field. You couldn't help but check out his ass.
"This is were I just hang out. Write music... All that stuff." He said, sitting down on the freshly cut grass. "Guessing you don't like to be accompanied." You said.
He laughed, "not really but it'll be nice to have you around, that's if you wanna hang..". You nodded and smiled.

You talked for the whole of lunch and he kindly shown you to your classes.
This was just the beginning.

*the next day*
You walked up to the gate, waiting for it to open and flood with kids. One dude walked up to you, luckily it was that bully, JungKook guy.
"Hey." He said, wanting to start a conversation with you. "Hi, I'm Y/N" you said quietly letting a strand of hair fall onto your face.
"I'm Namjoon." He smiled.
"I'm guessing your new around here? I haven't seen so much beauty before." He said, gazing into your eyes.
"Thanks..." You said awkwardly. He held your hand an kissed it. "Are you free at lunch?" He asked with a sexy tone. "Well... I might be going somewhere with a... Friend. Sorry" you apologised.
Namjoon walked up closer to you. "Shame." He said kissing you on the cheek. You would've pushed him away but you didn't wanna get on anyone else's bad side.

In the corner of your eye you saw a familiar face. It was Jimin.
"Hey. Leave her alone." He shouted from 5 meters away.
"My apologise." Namjoon said and winked at you then left to sit on the wall.
"Sorry... I..I thought he was going to hurt you." Jimin rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"I just get jealous---" he wasn't supposed to say that.
The shock in his eyes made you giggle.
"A..anyway. Just a question... What would you do if I asked you out?" He said getting slightly embarrassed.
"You'd have to ask me to get the answer. Properly!" You said, desperately wanting him to.

He sighed, "y/n, will you go out with me?"
"Of course." You smiled.
His reaction was delayed but eventually he smiled an picked you up hugging you.
"Gah... Sorry... I got excited" he said putting you down.
"It's okay. It was cute." You shyly said.

You heard the creaking sound of the gate. It was open.
Jimin grabbed your hand, "off we go." He said and you two made your way into tutor time.
Hope you liked it ^~^
Sorry it took a while and I'm awful at endings aha

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