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"Y/N!!!" Jimin shouted, your boyfriend was finally home from rehearsals. You rushed down the stairs too see his presence. He still had his 'work clothes' on from the 'Dope' music video. His hair was so vibrant, your favourite colour too.

"Hey baby." You smirked. You were in your silver lingerie which made his eyes widen by the sight. "..well... I didn't expect to see you like that!" He said surprised. You giggled and was about to approach him but something stopped you.

You saw his top button was undone. He didn't notice and kept smirking at you. You stepped back a bit to see if anything else was undone. "Why are you backing away?" He asked.
"Your top button is undone," your eyes scanned him, "and your fliers are not zipped up and your button is undone." You curiously said. He looked down and turned red. "Oh I was hot and...um... I forgot to do my trousers up when I went to the toilet." He stumbled.

You didn't believe him and walked away, about to get into your onesie. "Wait..uh..I-I can explain.." He started to worry you. You turned around with your arms folded, looking angry but inside you were scared of what he'd done..

"Ugh... I've been cheating on you... I'm so sorry. I can make it up to you tonight. You can come to rehearsals and watch us--" you interrupted him, "Who... Who did you do it with then?" You asked, sweating.
"You really want to know?" He kept questioning. You nodded.
"..well.. They're not who you would think it is.." You were fed up up of him dragging it on.
"Just spill the beans already!" You raged. He started to sweat, undoing another button from his shirt. He sighed, "Jungkook.. I did with Koo---Jungkook.." He confessed.
You didn't know how to react."I'm really sorry.." You ignored his apology and walked up to him.
"Take me to your rehearsals tomorrow... That's an order." You said and he gulped then nodded.

><><><><><><>the next day><><><><><><><

As Jimin was about to leave, you coughed for his attention.. He nearly went without you. You quickly got dressed in the clothes that revealed most of you skin. Jimin looked at you with lust - he hated it when you wore revealing clothes but you didn't care as he cheated on you.
When you drove you and him to his rehearsals you whispered something in his ear which left him shocked.

You both entered the room with the boys chatting away.
"Dayuuuuum... This is the girl you've been hiding Jimin Hyung?" J-Hope questioned with flirtation. "Yah. Don't talk about my girl like that." He said shyly whilst staring at Jungkook. "Yeah right... I'm not your girl..." You mumbled.
The members were all staring at you with the exception of Jimin and Jungkook who looked like they were lost in each other's eyes. You nudged Jimin which made him break the contact between him and Jungkook. "I'm just gonna talk to Jimin and Jungkook if that's okay? We may be 20 minutes." You requested to the other boys. "Your request is granted, go ahead." Jin winked at you. You tried to ignore the boys and their flirtatious ways.

You dragged the two love struck boys into a small room - which could probably only fit two people so it was quite a squeeze. "As you two are so in love, prove that to me." You blurted out. "Bu...but.." You left Jimin stuck for words...
"Remember what I said in the car. Do as I say, no buts." You said.

Jungkook got straight into it and lifted his shirt up then took off Jimin's. "Oh.. You've got to prove it to me too... It's a threesome." You mentioned without hesitation. Jimin lifted your shirt which made your Breasts visible as you purposely forgot to put your bra on. The boys started passionately kissing which you found cute and a turn on. As they kissed you pulled both of their trousers and boxers down, revealing their hard members. You pumped them both causing them to moan through their kiss. "No too loud." You whispered. Jimin then grabbed you hair as you blew him, Jungkook inserting himself into you. At first you tried to get used to his size, he went rough. Jimin and Jungkook swapped places and then carried on the job.
After a while of pleasuring and the room full of quiet moans, you decided to get dressed again, so did the boys. When you finished getting changed you told Jimin that you two were still together only if that was the last time he had sex with Jungkook. He agreed and you finally exited the room.

"THEYRE BACK! I know what you diiiiiiiiid!" Taehyung whined. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." He winked.
You left the boys at rehearsals and watched them dance and sing to their song, Dope.

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