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Warning: Sad/Depressing but gets better

My body ached, bruises were soon to appear all over me. I regret trying to visit my ex. The only way to his was an alleyway. Bad idea.

Why do people think it's right to beat up someone for the sake of it?

I lay there in the pouring rain, surrounded by darkness. I tried to get up but my legs failed to help. I couldn't move my arms to reach for my phone and call for help.

I was stuck there, thinking I could drown in the rain, my sour tears and the metallic pools of blood.

I cried and cried, time getting slower, darkness enclosed me with only few specks of light.

I need to fight against my pain, to save myself. With all my might, I fight back the excruciating pain and end up standing with only little balance. I walked back to mine, forgetting I had my help device known as a phone. No one was around as it was 3 in the morning. Luckily I only lived 4 minutes away from this awful area.

I rummaged in my bag and picked up my keys and tried to unlock my door to where behind it was hiding my safe-haven. My fingers were numb so it took me a couple of tries.

Finally, I heard the click and opened my front door which greeted me with warmth.
Home Sweet Home.

My bestfriend, JungKook, who I shared my house with was out at a party, the little devil. How I wish he was here to help heal me and tell me Its going to be alright.

I slowly paced up the stairs which felt like I was climbing a mountain. When I reached my bedroom I couldn't help resist collapsing on the soft mattress. It increased my pain but also decreased it.

As the bed sunk I heard the rattle of paper, there was a note on my bed:

I'm sorry if I come home late, the party might go on longer than expected. I will try to be home at 3:30 am, if not I am probably caught up. So I apologise if that happens. I will be home as soon as possible and you can tell me how your day was.

The note made me smile which ached my face from where I got punched. He was such a caring best friend, he was always cautions of my feelings. He knew I suffered from Depression. He's basically my best friend and therapist.

I lay on my bed, haven't moved once due to the pain. After I while, I built up the energy to slowly raise myself and go down stairs to lay on the sofa. I quickly glanced that the clock whilst carefully walking down the stairs and into the living room/front room. It was 3:30am... I hope Jungkook wont be late.

I looked over to the coffee table to see my small blade.. Don't do it. Don't do it. The temptation crawled into my thoughts. I picked it up and rolled up my sleeve. My day can't get any worse, so why not make it better? I thought.
At that moment when I was about to greet the blade to my wrist, I heard the door open causing a gust of cold wind enter the mildly warm house.

"Y/N! I'm home. I made it on time aha!" He said with such joy. I tried to say hello but nothing came out from my voice box, only a small screech. That screech turning into a whaling cry.

"Y/N? Hello? Are you okay?" He said worried. He rushed Into the room and immediately came running to me.

I looked up at him, my vision all blurred.

"Oh... Please... Don't do it... Wh-What's happened to you?" He said heavily breathing.

I rolled up my trouser legs and sleeves to show him the faded bruises that were near their arrival and to be show.

JungKook started to tear up. He sat down next to me, hugging me delicately so he wouldn't damage me anymore. He knew what had happened just by looking at the state I was in.

He sang to me, he always knew that would help which it does.

His body warmth shared across to me. I loved him so much... He would be the perfect boyfriend. But I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I cried onto his shoulder and he gently brushed him fingers through my hair.

"Look, it's over now," he said as he threw my nearly used blade out of the window, "I'm here, you're safe." He whispered and planted a kiss on my head.

I slowly looked up at him, tears gliding down my face. I edged closer to him and he, without warning, kissed me gently on the lips. His touch was so soft.

"If I love you this much, I should definitely remove that gap between boy friend and join it together to make boyfriend. I love you y/n." He said with a gently smile.

Although it hurt, I smiled too and gradually nodded.

He kissed me again, "Let's go get you cleaned up and into my bed, just so you're even more safe and don't feel alone." He winked.

We slowly made it up to the stairs, him not letting go of my hand.

He didn't mind the mess I was in. He stripped me and helped me get into the bath. He washed my hair and then dried my off being cautious of my cuts and bruises that have fully appeared.

He picked me up carefully, bridal style and rested me into bed.
He climbed in on the other side.

"I love you Y/N. I will protect you with my life. You're mine now." He whispered and sang to me causing me to fall into a deep sleep.

A/N: hey! That was longer than normal but I got really into writing this one out. Don't forget to comment/vote! <3 -Sav

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