Jin - Buying a Bad Boy pt.2

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You quickly told the guy that you had to get your clothes and accessories and then you will be straight back. On your way from collecting your items your head began to spin.
What have you done? You don't even know this guy. You don't know what he could do. What if the house is actually infested with maggots and rats? Your head started to hurt.
When you got back to the house you saw the guy standing outside wanting your attention. This time he was wearing a robe, you couldn't see his bow tie or collar of his suit which raised suspicion.
"My names Jin." He said as you approached him.
"I'm Y/N." You shook his hand, he had a firm grip on your hand which made you even more worried with that he could do.
He let go suddenly and grabbed your bags out of your hands, "I'll carry them for you, follow me." He said with a slight smirk.

You followed him upstairs into the master bedroom, "aren't we going to just settle in down stairs first?" You questioned. "Nah, this is the best room.." He closed the door one you were in, "why don't you test the mattress out, it's memory foam." He smiled. You tried to forget his charms.

As you placed yourself on the mattress he walked up to you. "Like it?"
"Yeah, it's very comfy." You smiled. Trying not to think about what could happen in the near future. Jin sat down next to you, brushed a piece of hair out of you eye and stared at you. You tried to look away but you were lost in his deep eyes. With struggle, you broke the contact and lay down and adjusted to the bed. He didn't stop looking at you which made you blush. He crept down with you, playing with his robe.
"Y..you're beautiful." He said randomly.
"Close your eyes." He said. You couldn't believe he called you beautiful. But you tried to forget it and you close your eyes, just like he said for you to do.
You felt the bed rise slowly. The sound of fabric rubbing together and then something hitting the floor.
"Don't peak, it's a surprise." He said which made you want to look even more now.
He sat back next to you, "open." He said as he climbed on top of you.
You slowly raised your eyelids, heavily breathing, lost in what you saw. His body exposed to you.
"W..wow..." You couldn't help saying. Yo were amazed by what his clothes hid.
He crawled up to your face, feeling his breath on your neck one again.
"Do as I say." He said and with that he kissed you passionately on the lips.
He got into the kiss, so did you.
He travelled his fingers up your shirt, playing with your bra, trying to undo it.
One your breast were free, he lifted your shirt with eyes wide open. He licked the skin around your nipple, ending up slowly biting it.
His other hand slid down into your pants.
"Someone's a little wet." He breathed.
He rubbed your core which caused you to moan. "Rrrighht theerrree." You sighed.
"You like that don't you." Jin said getting faster and faster."

He then left your breasts, pulling your leg over his shoulders and ripping your pants an trousers off. "I'll get you new ones."
He placed his dick to your entrance and without warning, pumped inside you.
"Gahhh...." You both moan as the pace quickened.
"I'm about to..."
"So am I..." He responded.
And with that you both released and collapsed next to each other.

"So you like the house?" He asked, getting his breath back.
"Sure." You mumbled, resting your was on his chest.

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