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WARNING: self harm

You lay on your bed in your apartment you share with your boyfriend, Hoseok. You waited for him to come back from rehearsals but it was too late to. You snuggled under the covers, and at the point your eyes were becoming heavy, you were greeted by a fake smile from your boyfriend.

"How's my beautiful girlfriend?" He sighed, not sounding as happy as he usually was.
"I-I'm fine. But what's got into you?" You sit up from your bed.
"Choreographing is hard work.. I can't figure the rest of the moves. I can't do it. I can't do anything." He held his head with his hands.

"Hey, don't be like that. I'm sure moves will pop up into your head some time. I'm sure when you'll wake up you will have ideas?" You tried to be supporting. "C'mon you need some rest." You opened up the covers for him to snuggle in next to you.

"I guess.. I love you." He kissed your cheek and turned away from you.

"I love you too." You said, you tried to ignore how he felt and drifted off to sleep."

You woke up to the sound of sniffing from the bathroom. It was only 2am.
"H-hoseok? Is that you?" You rubbed your eyes. He wasn't in bed next to you.

"Oh... Y/N I didn't think you'll be awake," he gulped, "Go back to bed. I'll join you soon." He said still sniffing and his voice cracking.

"You're not okay, I know you're not. Let me in." You walked up and pressed your ear to the door . You heard a muffled cry which made your heart sink.

"Hoseok... Please." You lower your voice.
No reply.
"JUNG HOSEOK OPEN THIS DOOR!" You shouted, tears escaping your eyes.

*click* he opened the door.
He was looking at himself in the mirror, tears falling, crashing around him (if anyone gets that BFMV reference ily).
You looked at the sink to see blood patterns everywhere.
And a blade.

"H..h..hoseok... Why?" You voice broke into a cry.
He turned around facing you, his arms behind his back. His eyes glistening in the light from the tears. "I---I'm.... So---" he collapsed on the floor, his head bobbing up and down from where he hit the ground.
"Baby!? Wake up, for the love of Jimin's jams WAKE UP." You put your hand to his cheek.. "Fuck!!" You screamed and immediately phones the ambulance.
"Please come quick. My boyfriend is in a bad state and passed out and bashed his head. Please please come." You cried.

Next you rang Namjoon and told him what happened.
"...meet me at the hospital with the others... And Jungkook if he can handle it." You said and hung up before Namjoon could answer.

By now you were in the ambulance holding your boyfriends lifeless hand, covered in his own blood.
"Why didn't you let me help you..." You whispered.

When you were at the hospital, you found the others at the reception. Taehyung and Jimin were distracting Jungkook from it all.
"Is everything okay? Where is he going?" Jin came up to you with fright.

You sighed, "I.. I really don't know." You wiped away a tear.
"He came home so stressed and was really upset about not coming up with the choreography. He didn't want to disappoint you guys or the fans. I woke up to him at 2am in the bathroom, took me ages for him to open up. His arms were covered in blood and... He fainted." You broke down again and Jin held you for support.

"I'm sure he'll be okay. Think positive, that's what we're all doing, even Yoongi is worried." Jin chuckled.

You smiled but you could taste the bitter sweet tears.

In the ward.

You walked up to j-hope's bed. He was sleeping. You grabbed his hand, being aware of the cannula.
"I love you so much you stupid idiot." You said and kissed his hand. You looked down at the floor and thought why he felt like he had to do this to himself.
"Hey I'm not an idiot." Hoseok spoke up.

"Oh god you're alive!!!!" You said with delight. He nodded slowly, still drowsy.

"The doctors said I'll be in here until tomorrow and then I'll be home." He smiled. "What happened to me.." He looked down.

"It was horrible..."

Lmao sorry that ending was bad but yeah. Hope you didn't cry bc I did -Sav

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