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For: army_for_life (<3)

As you climbed out of bed you felt a hand wrap around you. "Come back my oppa." Hoseok whined. You couldn't help but obey him and you climbed back into bed with him spooning you, feeling his hard 'friend' poking you. You giggled but he was fast asleep, his companion still hard. You Turned over slowly kissing the top of his forehead. He opened one eye and kissed you on the lips. You slipped your tongue in his mouth as the kiss became passionate but something made you stop pleasuring him.
"Ow!" You jumped and noticed your tongue was bleeding. "Oppa, my tongue." You could barely speak. He panicked and kept asking you if you were okay. "It's only a little cut." You said and went back to kissing him, again you poked your tongue. "Gah..." You curiously looked at Hoseok. "Uh...sorry oppa. My tongue hurts." You apologised.
He nodded then made you sit on his lap, your legs wrapped around him. He stared at your breasts, licking his lips. He played with them for a bit. When he got tired, he sunk his head into your neck. He gave you small butterfly kisses which made you moan and grip onto his hair...
"Hoseok..." You moaned repeatedly. He bit your neck ever so gently but you could feel a sharp point pierce your skin. You moaned even more but not in a pleasurable way. You tried to push oppa away but he didn't want to. He began to suck on your neck making you feel numb. "Hnnnnnng..." You felt turned on but in a weird way.
You felt faint. "O...oppa..." You fell backwards onto the bed. You felt lifeless. You couldn't breathe properly.
"Sleep baby girl." Hoseok whispered. You closed your eyes

After a shock of pain passing through your body you suddenly awoke finding J-Hope smirk at you. Your mouth felt numb. "Look in the mirror noona." J-Hope demanded with slight excitement. You looked into the mirror to find your mouth shaped weirdly, your teeth pointed, mysterious. "Your my little bat now." J-hope walked up to you wrapping his arms around you, sucking your bites from your neck.

Hope you like it!! Saranghae!

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