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A/N this was based off I dream I had last night XD but instead of Jungkook it was Taehyung but I'd thought I'd write one about Jungkook as I haven't written one for him in a while.

You know what, I'm going to go to an amusement park and just enjoy my day. You thought to yourself whilst grabbing some money for the bus. You left your house, forgetting to lock to door and walked up to the bus stop, you had £50 to spend. That surely was enough. As your bus arrived you ask to go to the nearest amusement park which was only 16 minutes away.

When you arrived there the big, bold lights were flashing, screaming at you to go on the rides. As you entered you paid £10 just to go get in, lucky the rides were only £2 each. You wondered around, seeing what you wanted to go on but all of a sudden you felt someone tap on your shoulder.
"Excuse me, do you know where the bumper cars are?" An innocent voice came from behind you. You turned round to see the cutest boy you've ever seen in you life. You struggled to find your words as you were breath taken from his charms. "Y..yeah follow me." You smiled at him. You made your way to the bumper car with this handsome devil behind you. "They're just... Here!" You said turning round to see his eyes light up with happiness. "Wow I've been wanting to go on these forever! Thank you!" He sounded thrilled. "Hope you have fun, bye." You waved good-bye to the boy but he stopped you from going. "Wait, wait." He stopped you. "I..I only came here alone. I was wondering if you could join me, so it could be more fun." He asked twiddling his thumbs and looking down at the ground. "Sure!" You agreed. He jumped up and down and dragged you to the cart. It was bit of a squeeze so it was a little awkward.

The man running the event came up to you, hand open. "That's £2 each." He grunted. You were about to get your purse but the boy already gave the guy £4. "I paid for you" he smiled. You thanked him and the ride was allowing us to go. You let him drive due to the fact that it was his first time on the ride. He bashed people about all over the place making you giggle. "Quick there's someone over there!" You pointed to a couple that hit the side of the track. He plunged into them then offering a highfive to you.

Once the 5 minutes was over, he helped you out of the cart. "My name is Jungkook by the way." He smiled. "I'm Y/N.. Nice to meet you aha." You giggled slightly.
"What ride do you want to go on next, well.. Just so you know where it is." You said, you really wanted to go on the rides with him but you'd thought that would never happen. "Yeah, there Ferris wheel. Do you know where it is?" He smiled. You guided him to the wheel, "If it isn't any trouble, could you go on with me again?" He asked, this time looking straight into your eyes. You nodded and got on the ride, again he payed for you. "Gah, you should really let me pay!" You said, telling him off playfully. "Sorry noona.." He sat down. Wait.. Did he really just call me that? You thought to yourself. "I..I mean Y/N." He reworded himself looking embarrassed. His cute cheeks made you giggle. The ride started to go up. Jungkook grabbed onto your arm - you could feel his muscles tense up, seconds later, he let go. "Oh.. Sorry.. I'm just scared of heights." He said. "It's okay, I don't mind." You smiled staring at him.
"Hehe, what are you looking at?" He giggled, noticing you staring at him. "Oh.. Sorry." You blushed.

As the cart reached the top it froze. "Oh..oh god. What's happening?" Jungkook panicked. "It's okay, it's okay. The wheel does this sometimes." You calmed him. "Well.. At least I get to spend some more time with you." He gazed at me. You blushed. "You're cute." He smiled. "Thankyou. No ones ever said that to me before." You confessed. "Well I'm glad to be the first." You blushed even more and he started to edge closer to you. He looked into your eyes and then you lips. He moved closer, feeling his breath on your lips. They finally joint together, lips together. You were shocked but kissed him back. His lips were so soft. He placed a hand on you leg and another gripping your hair. You both left the kiss and stared at each other. After a moment of gazing you finally spoke, "t..that was amazing." He agreed with you and then the wheel started moving again. As it reached to bottom you asked to get out along with Jungkook.

"You're really beautiful." He said. "And you're really handsome." You said. He held your hand, "where to next?"' "I think we should go back to my place." You suggested. "Sure thing... Babe." He winked.

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