BTS Whole Band (pt.1)

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A/N: this is a very long chapter so be warned aha, it's still going to be on parts but long ones aha. Like I said. I'm waiting for some requests. Okay bai ^~^
You may have read this before, I deleted it but published it again. Next part comes out in an hour woo!

Plot: You meet the band and stuff happens XD


I was alone in my bedroom listening to my music - BTS just started to play. My speakers were booming out the song Boyz With Fun - one of my favourites.

Anyway, I was alone listening to them until I heard something hit the window. I left my window open so it must have been my neighbour throwing something to warn me that my music was too loud - for them anyway. I shouted sorry and pretended to turn the volume down. I sang to the song with all my heart. I got lost in the moment.

BANG! There it was again. This time I actually made an effort to get up. I peaked outside my window. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw 7 familiar faces out on the bare driveway. I..I think it was BTS?!

"Hello?" I shouted from my window. One of them looked up - it was Jungkook. My stomach turned. I just couldn't believe it. Jungkook smiled and wanted me to come down.

I turned off my music and ran down the stairs. I opened the door - damn, I still had my BTS hoodie on. They're going to think I'm a crazy fan.

"Don't worry, I won't scream." I said trying to keep the excitement in me. They all turned and faced me. Oh my gosh...

Suga and J-Hope waved with great big smiled on their faces, the others just stared at me.

"Surprised you're not attacking us right now..." RapMonster finally said. I laughed.
"Nah, you're only human, not aliens... Except Taehyung." I looked over at V and he blushed.
"Um, why are you here exactly?" I questioned. "We heard our tune blasting from your room and we wanted to see if you wanted to hang with us for a few hours or something?!" Jimin asked and then smiled.

"Well what a pleasant surprise seeing as my birthday is in two day." I said.
"Ohmy! That's when we go and start our tour. You have to come!!" Jungkook immediately said.
"We all heard you sing our song and you have a great voice I must say." Jimin Complimented me causing me to blush.

Taehyung walked up next to me. His eyes scanned me as he strolled over to me, "Where do you wanna go?" He questioned with a slight smirk.

"THE BEACH!" J-Hope said all excited.
"I was asking...her, not you." He said whilst turning towards me.

"My names Y/N," I winked "and we can go where j-hope wants to go." I said calmly.
"To the beach!" Jin cheered and drove us to the beach in a RV.
          •            •           •
Taehyung sat net to me and so did Suga.
"Um.. Hope this doesn't panic you but you're.. You're my bias." I whispered to V. He smiled and put his arm around me.
"Well that's good, I'm barely anyone's favourite!" He whispered back his his cheeky, 4D smile.

Suga was asleep and ended up resting his head in my shoulder.
"Aww." I mumbled. A small smile creeped up on Suga's lips. The vehicle came to a sharp halt.
"We're here!" Jungkook, Jin and RapMon chimed. I gently tapped Suga on the head as an indication to tell him we arrived.
Taehyung helped me out - so kind.

"Right. No one drown! There's barely anyone here and I don't think anyone wants the kiss of life?" Jin raised his voice but ended with his sweet smile.

"I do!" Taehyung screeched and pointed at me. I blushed.
"Tsk, c'mon. I wanna swim!" The rest of the boys said. I pinched V and he zoned back into reality.

"Let's go!" I shouted.
Was this all a dream?

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