Taehyung (REQUESTED)

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For: army_for_life

The plane finally landed and you and your husband, Taehyung, grabbed your luggage and got to Taxi to your private house you rented just for your honeymoon. The journey wasn't that long but you were eager to get to the house. You held Taehyung's hand and gave him smiles during the drive. When you finally got there, you got your suitcases from to the boot and headed to your house.

Taehyung rummaged his pockets, "Baby, do you have the keys?" He questioned. "No, I thought you had them." You started to worry. "No... I think they're on the plane. They must have fallen out of my pocket." You're heart started to pump faster than usual. You looked in your bags and once you finished searching, you looked up at him to find him holding the keys and waving them in your face.
"Ha! Got them! I tricked you." He teased and then giggled. "You dick! Gah... Can we just get in the house. It's way too dark to start messing around." You told him off like he was a child. He nodded and turned the key, unlocking your luxury house that you were spending in for the weekend.

As you finished unpacking, you dropped on the bed with exhaustion. "I'm so tired~~!" You moaned, curling up into a ball on the bed. "Yah, don't fall asleep now." Your husband whined. You turned around to see him with his puppy eye, you couldn't disagree with him. He climbed onto the bed with you. Luckily it was a king sized bed. He wrapped his arms around you making you feel safe, you felt his hard member poking you. "Hehe, someone's happy." You teased.

He took his arms away from you and covered his face. "Shut up." His muffled words came from his lips. You pulled away his hands and kissed him on the lips, straight away he kissed you back. After the kiss, you buried your head in his neck, wrapping your arms around his torso.
"As much as I like you hugging me, I want to kiss your beautiful lips." He groaned. You giggled but did what he said. You kissed him passionately, his hands tracing down your body. It tickles you slightly so you giggle whilst still in contact with his lips. He rubbed you thighs making you open your legs wanting more. He stopped kissing you, "Someones eager to get things going!" he winked. "What do you want princess." He smirked... You never thought you would say this.
"Tae...I want you... Play with me." You spoke. "You just had to ask." And with that he kissed you again but slowly rubbed you entrance. "Someones wet." He smiled still kissing you. He made you moan, he's never heard you moan before.

He removed your panties slowly, teasing you by placing his hands on your thighs. He left you lips and crawled down. "Stop teasing me!!" You whined, desperately wanting him to please you. "Shhhh, I'm in charge."
His finger circled your entrance and without warning slipped a finger into you. It made you moan with delight. He then slipped another finger in making you arch your back. "V..." You moaned.
"Call me by my real name." He demanded. He was getting bossy which turned you on even more. "Taehyung... Faster..." You wanted more. He picked up the pace nearly making you scream with delight. He stopped fingering you and pulled his trousers and boxers down, then he inserted himself. It took you a while to get used to his length but he still pumped vastly into you. Your walls tightened around his member, "Tae.. I'm gonna come!" You screamed. "Me too.." And with that he released his juices into you then you did straight after. He collapsed next to you.

"Well.." You gasped
"I love you baby girl." He whispered
"I love you too."

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