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"Hyung Namjoon!!" I shouted from downstairs. My brother never got up. It took him ages to, at least 2 hours.
I screamed and shouted for 15 minutes and decided to actually make an effort to wake him up physically, not verbally.

I walked upstairs but I didn't hear his usual snore. He wasn't in bed either!

"Namjoon, this isn't funny. We gotta go see our parents." I sighed.

Where the hell is he?

Suddenly I felt two warm arms wrap around me. It was Namjoon.

"Yah! What are you doing. If you have a girlfriend I'm not her." I panicked.
"I know." He said with a smile on his face, I could tell.

"Then what are you doing? I'm your sister?" I questioned.
"A cute one at that..." He answered sensationally. He had such a smooth deep voice. Oh gosh.

He grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall.
"Uh...Nam..Joon.." I said quietly. I had no idea why he was doing this. He buried his head in my neck then started to give me small butterfly kisses.

"Hyung.. Why are you doing this?" I asked, resisting his smooth lips on my neck pleasuring me.
"Shh," he breathed on my neck, "just go with it.." He smirked and then looked deep into my eyes.

I tried to stop myself from smiling but I couldn't. My brother was cute... But this is just wrong. You shouldn't fall in love with your older sibling this way.

He slowly edged close, making his body touching mine. He looked at my eyes, then my lips, then my eyes again.

He quickly leaned forward and kissed me passionately. I couldn't help myself but kiss back. He gripped my hair as we kissed. What was I doing?

"Uh... Namjoon.." I mumbled during the passionate kiss.

He let go on my hair and slowly travelled his way down. He grabbed my butt and I moaned. I got lost in the moment.

He turned me around and pushed me into his bed.

You don't need to know the rest *wink*

A/N: I tried to spice things up a bit XD May do that now and then :3 Requests are still open. Just message me the band member and your name and what it's based around (optional) for example:
Meet at a club?!

Something Like that
Aha okay, (Bye)!

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