Ezra:I can not believe you nightshade!!!
Nightshade:I can believe myself why you turning my hair blonde?
Ezra:cause I CAn
Zeb:stay still don't wanna get it in your eyes oh and close your mouth
Ezra:why would I need to close my mouth-
Zeb dumps the full hair dye bucket on his head
Ezra:aaaaaahhhh!!! It burns why did it has to be pink darn it!!!
Kanan puts on a tutu
Kanan:kid be happy you don't need. To see Darth Vader like this...
Ezra: O.o
Darthvader:.....*brings out lightsaber*
Kanan:*brings out his lightsaber and charges at him*
Darthvader: *slices some of his close*
Kanan: ha you missed- *pants falls down* uh?* lifts them back up and runs off*
Darthvader: ew.....