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Ezra:go zeb go!! Zeb go!!

Zeb:no!! I'll do anything but that-

Ezra: anything?!!!

Zeb:well not anything

Ezra: you said you'd do anything!

Nightshade:he was in a panic Ezra he didn't mean it

Ezra:no...one seems to mean what thy say these days

Zeb:I guess I'll go do my dare....but I... *smirks* but I'll smell worse...? That's a promise. *leaves*

Ezra:why was he smirking? I don't think it's good

Sabine:I gotta bad feeling about this...

Nightshade:me to


Sabine: nope *leaves*

Ezra: :(

Nightshade:..... *shrugs*

Ezra: :)

Nightshade: ????? :\

Ezra:  XD


Ezra: :D

Nightshade: Xo

When zebs gets out and an hour later

Ahsoka:okay what is that smell?



Ezra: zeb. It's zeb...

Kallus:I thought you were taking a shower!!

Zeb:I did! And people are getting upset.

Tua:what'd you take a shower with?

Zeb:oh...you know just rubbed dead fish on me-

People: *have disgusted faces*

Zeb:what? The person never said with what....

Sabine:..... Alright..then

5th bro:so... Next dare?

Sabine:right...um.....tua gotta kiss everyone....

(On the fricken cheek don't be dirty guys just don't....

Friend:  dude.....bruh...... Once upon a time not long ago I was a-

Me:shut it!!)



Ezra: I got the girl cooties!!!

Zeb: da heck is wrong with yah? I got kissed to and if sabine kissed you what would you do

Ezra:get more of her cooties-


7th sis

5th bro



Rex Jr



Ezra:do it!!! Just do it!!!

Kallus:I will not let her.

Tua:I have to....a dare remember?

Kallus:ugh...*light blush* fine

Ezra: ????!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?

star wars rebels Truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now