Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

On Sunday night Tela told me she was bringing me to something that I'd enjoy. It was after we ate dinner and it was situated in the Warrior's field. Ghost Ashely didn't seem to notice what it was either so it must be something that only is just starting or something that older years are allowed to go to.

Tela didn't give me any hints as to what it might be. She was being completely mysterious about it all. It was a little freaky, but I was also kind of excited. I was getting better at my magic stuff and knew how to use it some more, so if this involved magic it'd be super fun.

When we got to the field, the warrior's equipment was all moved to the side and there was a long stage type thing in the middle that was about twenty feet above the ground. It was three fourths of the length of the field and only about six feet in width. There was one ladder leading up to the top where two people were already up there throwing magic spells at each other with their wands.

I smiled at Tela, "fight club?"

She smiled back, "of course."

There were a lot of people watching from the rows and rows of seats around the field. However there were also a lot of people watching from the ground. though, most of those people looked as if they were getting ready to fight soon.

As we got closer, one of the guys on top of the battle stage went soaring off the back and landed hard on the ground. "Ouch," Tela chuckled. "He'll be feeling that tomorrow."

I cringed a little, "so what's exactly happening?"

Tela stopped and pointed up to the guy who was still on the top of the battle stage, "so two start up there, they can use magic as long as its not life-ending kind of stuff. Or you can just use hand-to-hand combat. Most people use magic though. First one to knock the other off the platform wins. Doesn't really matter how you do it, you can use your creature or not too."

"Use what?"

"Oh right," she laughed a little to herself. "Your tattoo can come to life."

"I knew that mine could," I countered. "I just didn't know everyone else's could too."

She nodded, "yep, one day I'll have to show you my scorpion."

"You have a scorpion?" I stared at her in awe. "What else is there? I know Jaden has a Bear."

She nodded, "there is also cheetahs and eagle's."

"Damn, I'd love to have a cheetah." I mumbled and it made Tela laugh.

"No, you've got the coolest one of all. No one will see it coming and its probably the smallest but the strongest and the fastest."

"Have you been reading my books?"

Tela shrugged, "well you can't read all of them by yourself. Your head would explode."

She was right.

A girl started to climb up the ladder up to the stage where the guy who had won was waiting for her. He had his wand out already and she didn't seem to have one at all. When she got to the top she walked across to the guy until they were about fifteen feet away from each other.

He was in a ready stance and she then got into one with her hands out in front of her rather than a wand. There came a large chime from somewhere bellow the battle stage and the two moved right away. He shot out a fire ball at her and a sword appeared in her hand that she used to deflect it. He shot two more and she did the same.

So he took a step back and steadied himself enough to sent out a whirlwind of fire out towards her. She held up the sword in front of her face and the fire parted so it went beside her rather than right at her.

"Wow," I commented and Tela smiled at me. I really was enjoying this.

There came a huge cawing noise and the back of the girl started to glow before a huge beam of light came from her. The guy seemed to become more concentrated as he watched the beam of light. It slowly formed itself into the shape of a large eagle above her head and she smiled.

Tela was watching me, but I couldn't look away now. This was too exciting.

The massive eagle cawed again and made one large 'swooshing' motion with its wings that was directed at the guy holding the wand and looking at it with a bit of fear on his face. You could see the wave of wind the eagle created because there was fog all around him. It was a huge gust that landed right on the guy with the wand and sent him flying backwards down the length of the stage.

He fell off the edge but managed to hang on to the side. He looked like he was struggling not to fall off and onto the hard ground as the wind continued to hit him. The wind stopped hitting him but then it started hitting us down here in the crowd and it made everyone turn away as dirt was sent flying all around us.

But I wasn't effected, I kept watching as the guy threw his wand up into the air and sent something with it. The wand and the ball of light landed on the fighting stage and the ball of light grew and morphed itself into a regular sized bear. It was a black bear though, so it was still pretty huge.

It let out a roar and charged at the girl. The first thing it did was bat the girls sword away but ones it was out of her hands, it vanished into thin air. The girl stared at the bear with horror as it stood on its hind legs and roared at her. Its roar created a wind gust just as powerful as the eagle's wing's had and sent the girl flying backwards.

She didn't catch the edge of the stage like the guy had, she went flying right off.

Tela looked up finally when the wind was over and saw the guy hanging off the edge of the platform and the bear growling at the massive eagle. She looked at me with confusion, "did he really win?"

I nodded my head slowly, "that was so awesome."

She laughed at me, "do you want to try?"

"for real?" I stared at her in horror, "did you not see how bad I was when we had to face Starla? I didn't even get to fight!"

"Exactly why you should right now!!" She argued, "c'mon we can get you to fight another first year, it'll be fun!"

I sighed, "but-"

She cut me off, "you're going to do it."

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