Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

As soon as Jaden and I started taking photos for my Facebook, everyone got involved. Jaden had told a bunch of people she knows the reason for the photos and everyone got on board. Literally everyone. I got pictures taken doing various things around the school with so many people that said as long as I put the pictures up, they would tag themselves and everyone they knew as well.

I had four hundred and sixty eight photos to upload after that. Only about half of them actually had me in it. I had no room left on my phone as well. Some more photos were on Jaden's phone because we ran out so quickly.

Instead of reading any books during my 'free periods' I put up the photos and tagged anyone I could remember. The photos were crazy and made it kind of look like we were partying in some of them. While others looked as if we were very relaxed and just studying. There were also a bunch of blurry photos as well. I deleted most of the blurry ones.

Jaden ended up returning from class by the time I was done sorting out all the photos. Some people were tagging them as soon as I uploaded but all of a sudden it felt as if everyone was out of their classes because there were so many people tagging, commenting, and liking everything at once.

"Want to go get dinner while your Facebook breaks?" She asked with a slight laugh while looking at my laptop screen.

I sighed and closed it shut, "let's get going."

We didn't even bother with changing out of our school uniforms and just left. No one else wanted to come so it ended up being just us two, which was fine with me.

We ate in the dining room then went to get ice cream afterwards. Yes, there is an ace cream shop here too. Its fantastic now that I know its there. A lot of people who I don't know said hi to me along the way. I guess everyone saw those photos. Let's just hope Kyra does.

A part of me wants her to be jealous, but that might be just because I miss her so much. I just want her to miss me as well.

When we got back to our room finally, I checked my phone and saw I had three messages from Kyra. I couldn't wait to open them.

-I see that you're having an amazing time at your new school.

-I never told anyone you were gone because I figured you wanted privacy but now I see that we really didn't mean that much to you.

-You are so self-centred Eve.

I re-read them over and over again. Finally Jaden took my lepton from me and read them herself.

"You were friends with this girl?" Jaden scoffed, obviously she didn't see how much this hurt me. I just couldn't show it on the outside yet I guess. "What a self-centred jerk! All you're trying to do is to get her to come clean about her being the cheer-captain and she treats you like this? How rude."

I sighed and Jaden handed me back my laptop. She had sent a message to Kyra without me realizing it. I panicked. What did she say? Why would she even do this without asking? How come I didn't notice?

-Jaden here, Eve's new roommate. Come clean about your new position as cheer captain or else.

I stared at Jaden with distress. "Make the message un-send."

She gave me a confused look, "I can't make it un-send. That's crazy."

"Jaden but you've got posers or whatever, please make it come back."

She laughed a little, "you will be fine."

I let out a huff of air in frustration and looked back at my computer. Kyra had read the message already. But she wasn't typing back. "She's been my best friend for so long." I gowned while running my hand through my hair, "oh what am I going to do?"

"Let me answer her messages," Jaden suggested. "Then on Thursday we can go egg her house."

I stared at her with distress. "I'm not going to egg my best friend's house!!"

"It will get her to come clean about everything," she then left the room and went into the main room to visit some of the other girls.

Pressure would get Kyra to admit this stuff, but I would not stoop to a level so low in order to do that. Maybe we could just confront her. Go back to my old school and visit during cheer practice and see how she is keeping this a secret while running the squad. That must be impossible.

If she isn't even holding practices, she's going to get it.

Jaden didn't come back into the room so I went back to my laptop and ignored my old friends messages asking what is happening and focused on the comments on the photos from everyone I don't know. And all of my new friend requests.

There sure was a lot of people at this school.

A lot of them I stalked their profiles when I saw weird things. Like one girl was posing with a tiger that looked as if it was smiling. She was even in what looked like a class room, it was a bit freaky. There was also a guy with red-blood tattoos on his face that freaked me out but Tela had mentioned that vampires have those so he must be a vampire.

I must have stalked people for an hour then I realized all the messages I was getting. There must have been at least 50. They were all people who have added me just asking random questions. Like what year I was in, what am I, and if I wanted to hang out or go to a few parties. Some people mentioned they saw me in their classes and others said they wished I was in their classes.

It was a little bit weird.

Maybe I shouldn't have added this many people.

Well, there's no turning back now.

I responded to a few, but not a lot. There were a lot of messages. Too many for any human being to respond to on their own. Plus once I responded to a few, they messaged me back pretty quickly and we got a conversation going. So it was hard to respond to new people when the older ones kept talking.

I wonder if anyone else here has this kind of problem, of is it just me?

Dragon Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2015Where stories live. Discover now