Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six

That night I slept better than I have in years. Ghost Ashely ended up waking me up the next morning in a panic. She looked very distressed and more faded than usual. She was gesturing to herself and her head a lot but I didn't understand what she was trying to say because I was still very out of it. But then she just left out of my room and was gone.

I got up as quickly as I could and got dressed into some regular clothes because it was Monday and we don't have any classes today. Then I went out into the main living area and no one was out there.

The door opened all of a sudden and in stepped Headmaster Arroyo and Tela with Monica staying in the doorway. He looked at me and let out a sigh of relief. Something told me that this wasn't going to be a good visit.

"We are sorry, it is quite early but you need to follow us to the hospital wing right away."

I felt sick suddenly and followed them out. This couldn't be good.

Tela and I kept behind everyone else, there were a few other people in this group of people. "What's wrong?" I whispered, hoping no one else had heard me.

Tela looked at me sadly, "they think that you can fix it."

"Fix what?" I asked, now I was panicking more. She didn't get a chance to answer because we were there already.

We went into the room where they kept Ashley, Simon, and Jaden. Ghost Ashley was standing beside her bedside table looking like a real ghost this time. But what made me stop in my tracks was that there was s ghost Jaden and a ghost Simon as well.

Everyone turned to see why I had stopped but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move or say anything.

"Eve," Headmaster Arroyo looked at me almost desperately.

"Are they dying?" I questioned. they should be able to live longer than this. they've only been like this for a couple of days. Not even a week has past, they should be fine. this place has all the science and magic technology to keep them alive.

Tela looked at me sadly and nodded since no one else was answering me.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" I questioned a little angrily, "I'm no magic expert or dying people expert or whatever. I'm not a doctor."

"But you have the power to," Headmaster Arroyo said sadly. He sighed, "its either you or you have to find the old Dragon Wizard. He won't just appear for no one. You'd have to go and find him to save them."

"There's another dragon wizard?" I asked with surprise, "and you failed to tell me?"

"He's somewhere on the planet Winjaph but that place is a maze and filled with creatures that will kill you if you give them the chance. Its very dangerous and I would never send a student there just to find an old wizard if I wasn't desperate."

I looked at Tela who was pale with fear. More fear than I felt at this moment. Or any moment in time.

"I'll go as long as I don't go alone." I said firmly and Tela looked at me with horror.

"You'll regret that," Tela protested, "you will take one look at the planet and want to come home."

"I need to save them. Who cares if i hate Simon," I couldn't believe what I was doing. "They are all dying because I care about a stupid cheer squad that I used to be the captain of."

"But you discovered a Dark Elf in the process, isn't that enough good?" Tela was so against this, but I couldn't let her stop me.

"I'm going with or without you."

She glared at me for a good minute before she sighed, "fine, you are the hero and you have to go on this quest and whatever. I can't let you die because there has to be a happy ending or whatever."

Monica laughed sadly, "she's right you know."

"I know," I grumbled. "All my life it's been like this. I'm used to seeing the signs."


Tela and I left each other so we could each pack in peace. It was a little maddening to me, having to pack by myself. I wasn't sure what I'd really need to bring with me to this scary new planet. I found a way to shrink all of my things so I could fir them into one small back pack, which was nice. That way I can bring more stuff with me that I probably don't need.

Tela soon arrived in full hiking gear with a small shoulder bag with all of her supplies in it. It made me feel really not ready for this all over again.

"You ready?" I asked Tela and she shrugged.

"Am I allowed to say no?"

I laughed lightly, hoping to ease the tension. At least she is just as terrified as I am.

We left on one of the space ships this time. Mostly just because this planet was too far away to portal to and the space craft could travel faster. Also, it would give us time to think of a plan on the way.

The space ship was smaller than expected, more like the air plane that the Avengers use to go on their missions. We sat across from each other, strapped in tightly and very uncomfortable. The take off was smooth, but space was bumpy.

"What are we going to do?" Tela asked once we were at a cruising speed.

I shrugged as best I could, "get in, find him, and get out."

She smiled and shook her head, "great plan, you're just missing all the important middle stuff that is the actual plan."

I smiled, "I'm just the hero who follows through with the plan, you're supposed to come up with it."

"No," she disagreed, "I'm here for comic relief remember?"

I nodded, "right, then who's the plan maker?"

We both thought for a second before a voice came over the intercom, "that would be me ladies." He didn't sound familiar to me. Even Tela looked confused.

"My name is Dr. Finlay Scant. I will be briefing you on the planet and what you must do once you have landed."

"A doctor of what exactly?" I asked, though it felt as if I was talking to no one.

He chuckled in response, "I'll let you know when you get back."

"Fair enough," Tela grimaced. We were both not ready for this, but we really did want to come back. Maybe this was a sign that we were maybe he also thought that we weren't. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Dragon Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2015Where stories live. Discover now