Chapter 28

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They got home and got out of Brent's car.
"Crap moms home what do we do?" Jasmine asked.
"Ok the window to my room is open. Go through it with Lucky and get to your room I'll deal with mom"Brent said. Before she could answer he rang the doorbell.
I owe you one Jasmine thought as she went to the backyard. She saw Brent's window.
How do I get up there? Jasmine thought.
She saw that their old treehouse was near the window.
Perfect she thought.
She grabbed Lucky and pushed him up into the treehouse.
She found a ladder and use it to get across to Brent's room.
She put Lucky in a basket and pushed him across.
"Where's Jasmine?! She's not here either" her mom yelled from downstairs.
Poor Brent Jasmine thought.
This wasn't the first time this had happened though.
She finally got across and closed the window. She tip toed to her room with the basket and closed the door.
"Jasmine?" Her mom said as she went up the stairs. Jasmine hid the basket in her closet and jumped onto her bed quickly.
She opened up her laptop to look busy.
Her mom came and opened the door.
"Where were you? I couldn't find you when I got home" her mom said.
Brent was behind her signaling not to tell her the truth.
"I was in the backyard in the old treehouse I fell asleep and lost track of time sorry" Jasmine said.
Brent gave her a thumbs up.
"Well at least you weren't out late like Brent I'm sorry I interrupted you if you were busy" her mom said.
"No worries mom it's all good" Jasmine said as her mom walked out. Jasmine sighed as Brent came in and closed her door.
"That was so close" Brent said flopping onto her bed. "Lucky is in the closet how are you gonna take care of him when we leave for Digitour tomorrow?" Jasmine asked.
He just shrugged. "Ugh let me call someone" Jasmine said. She called Eva.

E-Eva J-Jasmine
E-hey girl
J-haha hey can you do me a favor? Well actually can you do Brent a favor
E-haha yeah sure what's up
J-he got a new puppy but we're leaving for Digitour tomorrow and we can't take him can you take care of him while we're gone?
E- of course! It'll give me something to do while you guys are gone haha
J-thank you so much!
E-your welcome by the way your guys prank calls were so not cool! I literally thought your brother wasn't kidding
J- haha Crawford did too he got so mad
E- so I there something going on between you guys?
E- haha ok ok I'll see you later I guess bye
J-haha bye

Jasmine hung up and looked at Brent. "Eva will take care of him your welcome" Jasmine said smiling.
Brent rolled his eyes and thanked her.
"Brent are you happy?" Jasmine asked. He looked over at her confused.
"Like after what dad told are you dealing with it?" Jasmine asked.
"Well I guess almost in the same way as you. It's best to just be positive and wish for the best that's what Chris taught me" Brent said. Jasmine nodded.
"How have you been dealing with it?" Brent asked suddenly curious.
"Well I felt really I don't know.....alone? I felt like I was slowly losing everyone. I don't want to lose you and mom" Jasmine said.
"You won't I promise ok?" Brent said he hugged her and kissed her forehead.
"We gotta wake up early tomorrow so get some sleep" Brent said. Jasmine nodded as he left her room and closed the door.
What a day Jasmine thought as she drifted off to sleep.

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