Chapter 79

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Andrea picked out Jasmine's outfit and she loved it! (Up in pic)
Jasmine put it on and took a deep breath.
She had made her choice.
She breathed in and out necklace in hand she said bye to Andrea.
"Bye and good luck" Andrea said.
Jasmine laughed and closed the door.
She went out of the hotel and towards the front of the castle where she was supposed to meet up with Cameron and Crawford.
It takes 20 minutes to get there but Jasmine was going slow.
She was really nervous.
What would their reactions be?
What would Andrea and Brent think of her decision?
She continued to walk.
She could feel her hands start to sweat as she got close to the castle.
It was only 11:40.
The guys weren't there yet.
Jasmine took a deep breath and just paced back and forth.
She was holding on to the necklace so tight it was making tiny imprints into her hand. Crawford came first.
"Hey Cam isn't here yet?" He asked avoiding eye contact.
"Nope" Jasmine said.
"Oh"Crawford said.
They both stood there awkwardly.
Jasmine checked the time.
She took a deep breath.
"You know who you're choosing? Wanna give me a hint?" Crawford asked teasingly.
Jasmine laughed and shook her head.
He smiled and looked away.
Jasmine was shaking a little now.
She saw Cameron coming up slowly in the distance.
"There he is" Crawford said.
Jasmine checked her clock.
"Hey I hope I'm not late" Cameron said.
"Not at all" Jasmine said trying to not sound nervous.
"Oh ok well um two minutes till midnight do you wanna say something to both of us before you tell us your choice?" Cameron asked. Jasmine looked down and nodded.
"It was really hard.... and confusing but......Andrea helped me out and before you start saying 'Oh she told you you should choose Cameron or Crawford' no she didn't do that....she didn't even give me a name she just gave me descriptions of the things I want the person I fall in love with to have. You both definitely have the qualities she and I talked about but one of you had something more special to me....." Jasmine said.
The clock struck midnight and both guys were staring at her.
"Who'd you choose???....."Crawford asked but then he saw the necklace in Jasmine's hand. "You chose me?" Cameron said starting to get excited.
He went in to kiss and hug Jasmine but Jasmine stopped him.
She handed him the necklace.
Cameron and Crawford looked at her confused. "Cam I don't think I should have that..... You should give that to a girl who actually deserves it" Jasmine said.
They still looked confused.
She lifted her sleeve and revealed the charm bracelet Crawford had given her.
Crawford started to smile.
Cameron did too.
"I'm happy for you......Thanks for everything friends?" Cameron said.
Jasmine smiled and nodded. She hugged him. When they pulled away he was crying.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Jasmine said trying to wipe his tears away.
"Don't be im just.... happy I can tell my kids about you someday and how you changed my life. Take care of her very well Crawford" Cameron said making them all laugh.
They all group hugged and pulled away.
"I should get going. I need to get back home and start packing for Magcon bye" Cameron said.
Jasmine and Crawford waved and he left. "So..?" Crawford said smiling and walking up closer to Jasmine.
She started smiling and blushing.
"You chose me" Crawford said and grabbed her hand.
"Yes" Jasmine said looking into his eyes. "Wow....I really thought you picked him for a moment" Crawford said looking down. Jasmine rolled her eyes.
She lifted his head.
"What would you have done if I had?" Jasmine asked.
"I don't know......I really don't think I would have wanted to live seeing you in the arms of another guy, I love you" Crawford said. Jasmine smiled.
They both started leaning in. Crawford stopped really close to her lips.
"I still hate that Cam was your first kiss" he said.
He was my first kiss? Now I remember Jasmine thought.
She smiled.
"But I stayed with you. You'll be the only one to kiss me" Jasmine said.
Crawford must have been really happy with her response.
He took her by surprise and kissed her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and they held each other close.
They pulled away but we're still in each other's arms.
"I am definitely never leaving you again" Crawford said.
Jasmine laughed and kissed him one last time. She knew now she had made the right choice that Andrea had told her about.
Crawford was the one for her.

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