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For the lazy ones,

"I like the word 'indolence'. It makes my laziness seem classy."

-Bern Williams.


CH 1

"How about a cookie?" asks Layla, pulling out a whole box from her school bag.

I shake my head and switch the channel on the television.

"Urgh... Okay what about a donut?" she asks next, holding up a paper bag and pulling out a bright pink donut, covered with sprinkles.

"Nope," I say and blatantly refused to get up from the couch.

It has been three days since I joined my new school and moved to this new place all together. But I never, once stepped into the school.

To most of you, the idea of moving from place to place might be a foreign concept, but for me that was basically, 'life'. I wanted to put up a fight and it actually worked for the fist three days. I skipped school, and stayed at home just to show my parents that I was done with moving again and again.

"Is there any way to get you out of that couch? You can't possibly miss school again, Fae. Your mom's gonna blast me if that happens!"

"Well, live my life for a few seconds!" I mutter bitterly.

Layla Summers is my cousin and she goes to the same school that I will be joining today. Appleton High School.

If I had to describe our relationship in one word I'd probably say, inseparable. (Yes, in spite of the fact that we only met on Christmas and Thanksgiving and stuff.)

I look over at her, with her shoulders slumped and a defeated look on her features which she still manages to pull of, and I don't know how.

"Right," I say and get off the couch. I switch off the television and then say, "there is one way you can get me to come to school."

Her eyes brighten up and she nods excitedly.

"Promise me, you'll do my math homework for the rest of my life," I say.

Her smile disappears and her scowl returns. " I'd rather let your mom kill me," she says and picks up her bag, ready to leave.

"Okay, I was kidding. Get me a box of Nerds. I'm all out of them."

"That's all you want?" she asks suspiciously.


"Well why didn't you tell me earlier you bimbo?"

"Cause I'm Fae Calligan, and torturing people is my forte."

"I thought designing was your forte," replies Layla with a smirk. She's referring to my hobby that I want to turn professional. I design clothes, garments and accessories. I even sold a few of some hair bandanas that I made, online.

"Keep talking and I won't design your prom outfit," I reply back and that shuts her up.

We have very little time to spare so we run full pelt into the convenience store, and once I've picked up a box of Nerds, Layla pays for them and we run out the same way.

Just as we can set foot into the school campus, the bell rings. We look over our shoulders quietly and run inside the building. We don't stop running until we're standing right outside our Math class.

"Not even a week, I've spent with you, and look! I'm late to school," Layla hisses angrily. She looks livid. And there are a few tendrils of her brown hair escaping from its bun.

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