15 | nougat

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For the short ones,

"Though she be but little, she is fierce."

- Shakespeare.


CH 15

The air around us feels charged, almost like there are waves of electricity capturing us in a little bubble of our own. Chase has decided to come back to Heavenly Bites, the cafe that we visited the day before.

Once we get out of the car he pulls my hand into his and together we walk inside. I adjust the top that Chase had given to me after the little mishap at the swimming pool. Apparently he kept a couple of spare t-shirts in the lockers, so he handed me his smallest one. It's navy blue with a light tie-dye effect.

Talking about the pool, I asked Chase what had transpired once he threw me in. Apparently, I shrieked loudly, but Chase thought I was pranking him as always and he refused to come and get me. But it was only after a couple of moments that he realised that I was actually drowning.

We slide into the booth that faces the sea and at first I'm fine for a couple of minutes. I can't seem to stop the goofy grin that's plastered on my face every time I look at our entwined hands on the table. But Chase notices something's wrong even before I can. "You okay Nerdy Bum?" He asks his eyes narrowing at the sight of my other hand tapping out a nervous rhythm on the table top.

"No," I answer quickly. I turn around to give another glance at the beach and involuntarily shudder, at the sight of the dark blue waves crashing against the rocks.

Chase follows my line of sight and grips my hand tightly. "Shit, I'm so sorry, Nerdy Bum," he apologises as he stands up and leads us to the booth that we previously occupied the last time we were here. It faces the cream wall opposite and the other side has a beautiful view of the cafe's herb garden.

"Oh hey, it's you little lovebirds."

I glance up to catch sight of Minny, the same red headed waitress. She raises her eyebrows and gives me a wide grin, as she glances at our hands. Almost like we're best friends or something.

"Hi," I reply with a small smile, mentally berating whether I should remove my hand from Chase's grip or not. However, before I can properly decide, Chase's calloused thumb begins drawing some lazy, arbitrary patterns on the inside of my palm.

"I'll have a Decadent Hot Chocolate and a slice of the Double cheese pizza," Chase smoothly says as though he's not doing something thats driving me crazy.

She scribbles it down on her notepad and then turns towards me with an expectant look on her features. "Same," I breathe out in airy voice due to the high that Chase's little ministrations are giving me. She turns away to the kitchen and once she leaves I can't help but stare at Chase.

"Okay, so obviously there's something between us," he begins with a smile.

I feel my cheeks heating up and steal a glance at our laced fingers. "Yeah," I agree with a goofy grin. I can't help but feel so happy.

"Yeah, it's the ketchup. Could you pass it over?"

I gasp and pull my hand out of his. "Chase!"

"Oh my God, your face," he says as he reaches for my hands once again. I glare at him and place my hand on my lap. "I was kidding Nerdy Bum." He tries yet fails to control his laughter.

I know he was merely playing around but I can't help but feel like a daft idiot.

"Okay, I'm serious there is something between us."

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