09 | gummy bears

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  For the haters,

"Haters are like ants, bro. Yeah, they're everywhere, but they're way more afraid of you, than you should be of them."

- BroTip#132


CH 9

Chase Anderson's POV

I get out of my car and shut the door with a loud bang. I shove my keys into my pocket and walk up the porch of Lennox's house. As I swing open the door, I hear the unmistakeable sound of Lennox grunting, like he usually does when he's losing in a game.

"Yo man, how'd it go?" he asks with his eyes still on the screen. He's clutching onto the console as though his life depends on it, whereas Ian is pretty cool and collected. They're playing Battlefield 4, and as usual, Lennox is playing like a chicken.

I ignore him and head straight for the fridge and pull out a can of beer. My mind's pretty confused and I'm not even thinking straight.

I settle myself down on the armchair and take a long swig. Once the bitter liquid makes its way into my body. I'm able to grasp onto the fact that I screwed up pretty bad today.

"Hey man, what's wrong?" asks Lennox as he pauses the game and comes to set himself beside me.

"I screwed up, pretty big," I say, more or less repeating my own thoughts. I take another swig of the beer and then say, "I don't think Fae's ever going to talk to me."

"When did you start caring about stuff like that, man?" asks Lennox with a smug grin which further frustrates me.

"I don't know, damnit!" I say with a low growl. "I don't even feel like my bloody self."

"Okay, you wanna tell us what happened?" he asks with a concerned look on his face.

"Lenny?" someone calls out from the landing of the staircase. I look up to find Lennox's elder sister, Bella. Bella is like my own  sister, but there's no denying that she's very hot. She has long platinum blonde hair, just like Lennox, and big doe eyes.

"What is it?" asks Lennox as he turns his attention to Bella.

But Bella's spotted me and she comes over to ruffle my hair. "How have you been Chase?",l she asks with a laugh.

"I've been better," I answer bitterly.

"Aww, who did what to my boo boo?" she asks in an attempt to cheer me up.
I know she's trying really hard 'cause 'Boo boo', doesn't belong in her vocabulary. It isn't something that she'd say even if her life depended on it.

"Bella, just tell me, what is it!?" asks Lennox exasperatedly. "Quit embarrassing us."

Bella stares at him and adjusts her white crop top. "I'm leaving for this shoot, and I'll be back day after tomorrow."

Oh yeah, did I mention that her looks got her a job as a model?

"Okay all the best," says Lennox and she waltzes out of the living room.

Once she's left Lennox turns back to me. "Tell us now. What happened?"

I set the beer down and tell them what happened. When I'm done, the two of them are looking at me like I'm wearing lipstick.

"What?" I ask, getting annoyed at their behaviour.

"Okay, so you're meaning to tell us that you tagged alongside Alyssa, to make sure she doesn't hurt Fae. I.?" asks Lennox.

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