16 | marshmellow

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For the thieves,

"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office."

- Aesop.


CH 16

I've never in my life felt so confused as to what I should wear.

I'm always ready and I pick out my clothes in two minutes tops. But today, Chase is taking me out on a date and I can't choose anything.

Sighing, I sit down in front of my wardrobe, with my legs crossed. Usually when I'm watching a movie and I see the female lead character pulling out clothes from her wardrobe, I can't relate a bit.

But now, I feel exactly like said character.

My room's littered with different clothes and Crookshanks keeps snuggling down under each one, trying to find the most cosiest fabric.

I groan and look into my phone. Ten more minutes for Chase to come and pick me up.

Giving in to my impulses, I ring up Chase. He picks up immediately.

"Hey Nerdy Bum... What's up?"

"Chase, I... I don't know what to wear!" Its pathetic, but I'm getting very worked up about it. Almost to the level where I'm going to burst into tears. I pride myself in having a great sense of fashion and to suddenly have that fact, ripped away, is terrible.

Chase chuckles from the other end, obviously finding this situation ridiculous. It's been a week since we began dating and almost everything about him has become adorable. (Not that they weren't, previously, but now they adorability has increased exponentially) His laugh, his hair, hell, even his sneezes are tolerable. It's not like I'm ignoring the fact that he has his flaws. I'm actually embracing them even more, because they make him who he is.

And my, do I like the person he is.

"Are you actually crying?" he asks, and I immediately perk up at the sounds of the blaring horns in the background.

"Shit, Chase you're driving, aren't you? I'm sorry I'll talk to you later... Drive safe."

I don't wait for a reply, I just end the call.

I get up from the floor and stare at the clothes all around my room. Letting out a sigh, I command myself. Woman up, and choose your outfit.

[15 minutes later]

I'm scrolling through some tumblr outfit pages, but it's a fruitless attempt. Suddenly, I hear a shuffle of footsteps out side my room. "Nerdy Bum?"

I break into a huge grin and walk over to my door. I all but wrench it open to see Chase standing outside. "Hi," I say in breathy voice. He's wearing another one of his shirts, the sleeves rolled up to his elbow and it takes all my self control to not pull him in for a hug.

"Hi," he replies, sounding equally breathy, and it makes me feel light headed to know the effect I have on him. Giving in to my impulses I tug on his collar, pulling him inside, and once the door's closed, I eliminate all distance between us as I give him a tight hug.

He chuckles and after a few seconds I withdraw, just enough till he can hold me at arm's length. He twirls one of my brown locks around his finger, and asks "are you ready to go?"

"In my pyjamas?" I ask with a grin, looking down at my Hello Kitty top and shorts.

"You look fine, Nerdy Bum. Beautiful infact." I let go of him and stand back with my eyebrows raised, trying to control my laughter.

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