12 | cotton candy

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For the imaginers,

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

- Unknown.


CH 12

I'm working my way through my third cotton candy when I spot it! The luxury carousel. I point towards it and the two of us start running to it.

It's a beautiful carousel with decorated with strings of fairy lights. This entire fair is lit up with so much lights, and it feels like its Christmas, honestly. There's just so much fun, excitement and merriment everywhere.

Chase tugs on my hand, "Come on," he yells but before we can reach it, all the available seats are taken. "There," he suddenly shouts as he points to a lone seat. "Get on, I'll stay here."

I stop running towards it and look back at him. "No, I'm not going alone. Let's wait till the next time."

He grins widely and steps forward with his hand outstretched towards my cheek. "Come here," he says and as I learn into his touch, he wipes away some of the sugary goodness that I'd managed to get on my cheek.

"How did you manage to get it in your hair, Nerdy Bum?" he asks with a chuckle as he proceeds to take out a big fluff from the top of my head.

"Well, it's huge okay?" I say as I look down at the pink fluff.

He laughs again and plucks it away from my hands, taking a big bite. I'm about to protest when I decide to just let it go.

When the ride finally stops, we get on, seating ourselves next to each other. I've managed to get a beautiful caramel coloured horse while Chase gets a striking white one.

"You seem pretty happy," exclaims Chase as we wait for the others (mostly kids) to clamber aboard.

"I love fairs!" I tell him and clap my hands together.

"You should have told me, Nerdy Bum," he says as he leans his head against the pole. "I would have brought you here."

Suddenly the ride begins, and all the horses jerk forward. As I wasn't holding on to the pole, I've lost my balance and I squeal as I feel my self slipping off the horse. But then Chase stretches his hand out and tugs on the sleeve of my sweater, giving me enough balance to grab the pole with my other hand.

"How do you manage to fall on the easiest rides, Nerdy Bum?" he asks with a chuckle as he holds onto my hand.

"I don't know," I breath out, still pretty shaken.

"Don't worry, I've got you now," he says and interlocks our fingers. And though the kids on the ride are looking at us weirdly, I don't care, because Chase is doing this for me.


We've now got off the carousel, and we're just walking around, pointing at different shops, and rides. Chase played on one of those 'Aim to shoot, and win a prize', games and won a huge blue stuffed elephant.

"Here you go, Nerdy Bum," he says as he hands it over. Man, do I love stuffed animals. I take the plush elephant and bury my nose into it's soft fur.

"Ahh I love this Chase," I tell him as we finally collapse onto a bench. I'm looking around the fair when I suddenly spot Alyssa and her group of friends. "Chase, look," I say and point towards them.

He turns around to take a look. "Whatever," he says as he turns back around.

We're sitting in a comfortable silence when suddenly I ask him, "Chase are you really a 'Bad Boy'?"

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