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For the rebels,

"If you're going to rebel, do it with a purpose."



CH 3

I wake up the next morning, feeling extremely happy.

Which is quite a rare thing, 'cause whenever I wake up, I'm like a girl on her worst period.

My cat, Crookshanks, who happens to be the most laziest thing on earth, (after me, that is), takes the effort to actually wake up from her slumber and stare at me through her Amber eyes.

I dance my way to the bathroom, get dressed in a killer outfit, and pick up a file from my bedside table.

Leanna's typed out my elaborate scheme, and printed it out and stuck it in a file.

I mean, I love this girl, but does she have to make even the most fun things, look like school work?

Speaking of fun, guess what I'm doing today?

I'm serving a dish. A cold dish.

Yes, you got it. Revenge.


I'm reviewing the plan, as I exit from my house, ready to walk to school, when suddenly, I hear a car rev up its engine and it screeches to halt, mere inches from me. I scream and close my eyes, as I stand still on the spot.

I can feel the hot air emanating from the a car, then I hear a loud honk.

I slowly open my eyes and turn around, to come face to face with a laughing Chase Anderson. And a grumpy looking dude sitting beside him.

"Are you even old enough to walk on your own?" he asks with a laugh.

"And are you even old enough to drive?" I retort back. I bend down to pick up some of the papers that had fallen out of my file.

"Oh look, the goody-two-shoes, has finished her homework!" he says to the other guy in his car.

I cross my arms, with a glare and say, "I could throw you in jail you know. You almost killed me."

"I know. I have killer looks," he says with a smug smile.

Urgh. He has more ego, than the amount of calories in Nutella.

"Now, get into the car."

I raise my eyebrows. "Why?"

I mean the school is pretty close by, and walking to school gives me time to think over stuff.

"Don't you remember the excuse we gave Principal Sheldon? That you were late because I pick you up? Well, Principal Sheldon, stands out of school everyday, watching the students enter school, in an 'Orderly manner.' And if he sees you coming on your own, he'll realize that we probably lied."

Damn this guy isn't an airhead as I thought he would be. He is pretty smart.

"Now we don't have all the time in the world, so get your backside in, 'cause this time I won't be covering up for you."

I huff and get into his black Gallardo. Well, on the bright side, I save energy right? Which is good enough to get a lazy person like me, into a good mood.

"Hi," I say brightly and smile at, the guy sitting in front. He grunts in reply.

"I'm Fae Calligan. I've just moved here. What's your name?" I ask him.

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