02 | lolipop

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For the fashionistas,

"You either know fashion, or you don't."

- Anna Wintour


CH 2

We walk into the same convenience store after school.

"Go on guys, pick anything you want!" says Layla as she waits by the counter.

"Aren't you getting anything?" I ask.

"I'm trusting you guys to fetch enough food."

"Trust me, we'll bring more than enough"

"Hey! Isn't that Alyssa?" Layla suddenly asks, pointing behind me and Leanna.

We whip around to find a Raven haired girl of a beautiful complexion. She's down at the beer alley, grabbing a few bottles and tossing them into her cart.

And here we were, going to buy candy.

Suddenly, Chase appears next to her and loops his arm around hers. He whispers something into her ear and then she giggles and puts in a few more bottles.

She's probably his girl friend. Bad girl dating a bad boy? Exactly how its supposed to be.

"Leanna did I tell you about what happened today in math class!?" asks Layla, suddenly remembering the day's events.

And then I jog away from them as Layla launches into an overly exaggerated story of how Chase Anderson knelt on his knees and asked me to go to the principal with him.

I pick up a packet of Cheetos, some chocolate chip cookies, a packet of vanilla frosted cupcakes and lets just say enough calories to clog a hundred people's arteries.

I walk over to the counter and dump my things over there.

"Tonight's party is gonna be sooo rad!" one guy yells to Alyssa. Another dude walks over to him and they fist bump making, excitedly.

I watch in amusement and then I suddenly remember!

I didn't pick up ten boxes of my darling Nerds!

I walk down to the aisle that I know would have them, and round the corner.

And guess who I found there, checking out the Strawberry nerds?

'Badboy' Chase Anderson.

I clear my throat and he looks up at me. He suddenly looks flustered and he runs his hand though his hair.

"I...uhmm, I was just... looking for..the uhhh..." he trails off, looking pathetically hopeless.

Where did his cocky and confident attitude suddenly disappear?

He stops mumbling and just motions with his hands to the box of Nerds.

"Is that the last one there?" I ask, clearly impatient to decipher what he's trying to convey.

He nods, still unable to speak.

Suddenly Alyssa, appears behind him. "Who's that?" she asks looking between the two of us suspiciously.

"Just some girl," he mumbles.

I smile at her with a tiny wave.

Alyssa stares at me for a moment and then pulls his arm. "Baby, come on we have to go... Come check if we have enough drinks and stuff." And with that she drags him away.

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