Shorts Story 1: Best Friend

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This book will be filled with 2-6 chapter long short stories. I hope you readers like this book. Anyway, enjoy the book!


Leyla's POV:
"Ok, so you want me to believe you can make and control water with super powers?" Ashley asks me. "I really can! I just can't show you in school!" I say. Her face still doesn't look convinced. Ashley is my best friend, ever since we met in kindergarden. Long story. I know, so stop thinking about it Patrisha comments. Okay, sorry.

"And you want me to be a superhero ... right?" She asks. "Yes! You know what, just meet me after school at my house." I say. "Ok, but are you sure your not becoming a little ... coo coo?" She says, spinning her eyes. "Have I ever lied before?" I ask her. "Actually, you lied once to have a-" "I was asking a rhetorical question." I interrupt. I get up and throw away my lunch, which was actually pretty good. Some cheeseburgers and french fries. I walk past Ashley and mouth out 'Please!' She mouths back 'I'll be there.' I smile and walk out of the cafeteria to my next class.


I'm waiting in the front of my house for Ashley, talking to Patrisha. "What would you know about math, your a jem." I say to her. And, your just a human who, without my powers, isn't that extraordinary She says. "Well that was mean." "Who are you talking to?" Ashley asks, walking up to me.

"Patrisha, my jem." I answer. I pull out my jem from my whip. I show Ashley. "Woah, how much did that cost at the jewelry store?" She asks, intrigued. "Like I said, it contains super powers, and I didn't buy it. I ... found it." Sort of. "Can I have one?" She asks. "That's the whole point of bringing you here! Follow me." I start walking towards the backyard. When we arrive at the tree, I say, "Don't freak out." I pull down the lowest branch on the tree. The trunk suddenly expands into an elevator and DINGS open. Ashley stares at me for a moment, jaw wide open.

I walk in saying, "You should close your mouth, you don't want flies flying in there." She shuts her mouth closed and asks, "Where are we going, your secret lair?" "I guess you could call it that." I answer. She walks into the elevator, smiling big. I press the Main Floor button, and we start to descend.

When the doors open, we walk into the room. I look towards Ashely. Again, mouth wide open. "Close your mouth, we don't want drool all over the floor." Henry says to Ashely. She immediately closes her mouth, then asks, "Who was that? Sounded roboticish." "Oh that's Henry, our supercomputer." I answer her question. "Cool! Henry whats my name?" Ashley questions. "Your name is Ashley Jewels Roto. And your about to get a jem!" He says excitedly. "As long as Caleb said so, right Leyla?" I FORGOT TO ASK CALEB! SHOOT! "Uh ... yeah, he said she can have a jem." I lie to Henry. Luckily, he's not a lieing detector. "Ok then, this jem should work for you." He says.

And behind us, the cubes underneath the table start moving. Then one is raised into the center of the table. The jem is flaming hot, and looks like magma is moving inside the jem. I look at Ashley, and she looks a little scared. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I just ... what if I'm not up to it? What if I make a mistake and ruin a mission? What if-" "Stop." I interrupt. "Ashley, I know you can. Those are just What Ifs. And besides, everyone makes mistakes. One time, me and Brandon went to collect Revival Rocks, but we only collected one. When we were supposed to collect around 20." I tell her. "Seriously?" She asks. I nod my head. She looks back towards the jem. She takes a deep breath, then let's it go.

"Ok, I'll do it." She decides. She walks over to the jem, and right before she touches it, she says, "Man this jem is extremely hot." "I know! It's the one we found after ... you know what, I'll explain later." I say.

She touches the jem, then falls face forward on the table. "Whoops! Forgot you faint when you touch them." I say, rushing over to Ashley.

After about a minute she wakes up saying, "Don't burn me!" She sits straight up, sweating like crazy. "Ashley, are you Ok?" I touch her forehead. "Oww! Your steaming hot!" I say to her. "Well your extremely cool to the touch ya know." She says back. Expected, I can make ice so ...

"Anyway, why'd you scream don't burn me?" I ask. She looks at me directly in the eyes. "Someone ... someone on fire was about to burn me. And I don't mean like one spot, I mean like burn me to death." She spills out. I know who the flaring someone is, but why? "Would you like to pick a weapon?" Henry asks Ashley. "A weapon?" She asks, confused. "Something to fight villains with. Pick from this list." Henry says, pulling up a list of a million weapons. We walk over to see, sledgehammer, knife, machete, nunchuks, lots of weapons! "How come I couldn't pick my weapon?" I ask Henry. "Because we could just reuse your parents old weapons." He says. "That's just cheap." I complain.

"I want a staff!" yells Ashley. A staff, out of all those weapons Patrisha comments. Just shut up.

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