Short Story 3: Speed Demon

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Brandon's POV:
I shock Vitana away from me with my lightning, but I'm being carful not to hit Elizabeth Hernandez who's trapped. Ok, so the villain kids kidnapped, or more like adult-napped, the news reporter and threaten us she would die, but she'll live if we surrender to them.

Fat chance! But Caleb came up with the plan of fooling them that we gave up. So every single one of us heros, even the newbies, came and surrendered to the baddies. We dropped our weapons in front of us in defeat, and Molly locked us in the old nuclear prison cells their base had.

Once left unguarded, Ashley and Jordan used all the strength they could muster to make lava without their jems.

Lucky, the cells were already falling apart, and we broke free. Then we went in groups of two, and a group of three, to find our weapons.

Me and Leyla walked carefully through the base and found the split of the four hallways again. "Did they make this place bigger or what?" I ask. "I guess so. I've never really fully explored this place. Because you know ..." Leyla says. I nod and follow her through another hallway. This one ends us up at their supercomputer.

"Wow! This one's almost bigger than Henry!" I exclaim. I was waiting for Henry to comment, but I forgot ... "Oh yeah, we're not in our suits." I say. Me and Leyla search around the room to find our weapons, and we stumble across a box in the corner of the room. And to our luck, it held our weapons!

"Great, our weapons! Let's hurry and find the others." Leyla says. She grabs her whip while I grab my flail, and we FLASH!!!

Leyla makes me carry the box of sharp objects while we search for the others. We walk through the hallway to the left of the one we came from, and end up at the cells. No ones here. Just a broken cell, and a dusty floor. We walk through the hallway and return to where we surrendered.

I walk straight in, not knowing it's that room. Kad asks, "Who are you?" My face is behind the box, so he can't see my face. I drop the box and instantly shoot a lighting bolt out, straight in front of me. It strikes Katlin. She falls face first into the ground.

Before I can move, Vitana flings a metal bar around me, not allowing me to move. This time I fall face first into the ground. Karma. Vitana walks up to me with her metal heels as they clank every time she walks. I look upwards as she makes a gigantic fist of metal. "Don't be worried, I won't crush you." Vitana assures me. Then she easily picks me up and throws me at Leyla. Before I slam into her, Leyla makes a bubble of water in front of her. I hit the bubble and stop completely in it. Then she drops the water she created. "Oops, sorry." And she slices through the metal, freeing me.

"Thanks!" I zap Vitana away from me with my lightning, but I'm being careful not to hit Elizabeth Hernandez who's trapped. She tumbles back and becomes paralyzed. Kad and Chris charge at us, not letting me recover. I get behind Leyla while she fights the two with waves, whirlpools, and ice spears.

The moment I feel better, I grab the flails around my arm and slam Chris in the chest. I knock and shock him back, making him unconscious. At the same time, Leyla extinguishes Kad with her water. "You were great!" I say to Leyla, high fiving her. Before she can say the same thing back, she looks behind me at something. And from her face she looks confused. I turn my head and see a kid, not someone I know, just a kid. He, himself, looks confused of where he is. He has a black t-shirt, jeans, and some black and white converse.

Leyla walks over to him. "Hey, are you lost?" Leyla asks. The boy nods his head. "What's your name?" "Isaak, with a k." Replies the boy. Isaak ... still never heard of him.

I walk over to him too. "Well Isaak, why don't you come with us? We'll find out why you were here." I reassure him. Isaak says, "Ok." I grab the box of weapons and we look for the others.


After a few minutes of searching, we find our friends and go back to Elizabeth Hernandez and free her. Caleb safely returned her to her home, while the rest of us teleported back to base with the mysterious Isaak.

I'm the first to say to Isaak, "Welcome to the hideout! This is where us hero's hangout and learn more about our powers." I walk over to Henry and ask him, "Henry, please scan Isaak. And look through all your files to see who he is."

"Ok Isaak, stand in front of me." Henry says. Isaak, not freaking out about a computer talking to him, moves in front of Henry's screen. I light rolls over Isaak, scanning his body, and as soon as the light is gone, Henry answers.

" Isaak Calhoun. Son of Fredrick and Amy Calhoun. Very successful man. Born in 1900 and died 1999."

It's quite. No voice, no sound, no breath heard from anyone.

Suddenly the top hatch opened up and Caleb flew down. We all stare at him quietly. Awkwardly, Caleb asks, "Did I miss something?"

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