Short Story 3: Speed Demon (Part 2)

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Leyla's POV:
"How is this possible! Your here- but Henry said you-" I get interrupted by Isaak. "I don't understand. Am I a ghost?" "No your not a ghost. Your just ... Young and alive." Henry says unsure. How is this possible? People don't come back to life after dying Patrisha says. Right, so how is he here?

Suddenly, I look down at Isaak's hand, and see he's holding something, something familiar. "Hey Isaak, what do you have in your hand?" I ask. He holds up his hand revealing a jem. It look like it's vibrating; it's red with white slash across as the symbol. "What!? They gave you a jem?!?" Caleb asks surprised. Isaak nods.

"But how? Where'd they find it? Henry, what is this jem?" Caleb is desperate for answers. "The jem Isaak holds is the Agility Jem. The owner can move super quick and is flexible, which means super speed and acrobatic skills." Henry explains.

"That's pretty cool." Olivia comments. "That leads to another important question, do you have a weapon yet Isaak?" Caleb asks. "I don't. Do I need one?" Isaak asks. He's full of questions isn't he Patrisha says. Yep, sure is. "A weapon balances out your power so it doesn't overload your body, or keeps you powers in check." Caleb tells. Suddenly the monitor pulls up the weapons list. "Pick a weapon." Caleb says casually, pointing to the screen. Not even taking a peak, Isaak answers, "I want a katanas ... twin katanas."

Suddenly behind the weapons box is the same noises before it expands. Some of us walk over while the rest leave to go home (Giovanni, Olivia, Jordan and Ariana leave).

We open the box and in the newly expanded area is twin katanas. They are kept together by a metal wire, and one has a jem hole on the handle.

Isaak grabs the katanas and asks, "Do I put my rock in this hole?" The rest of us nod, and he places his jem in the hole. Next, his weapon and eyes glow extremely bright, and the power flows through him and his swords.

Moments later they both dim down to normal. "That was awesome! Does anything else cool come from this?" Isaak asks, running his hand down his sword.

"Well now you can change clothes. Watch." I say. I grab my weapon and press my jem. FLASH!!!

"Now I'm Watergirl." Isaak looks at his jem hesitantly. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt." Henry assures him.

Isaak takes a breath and presses his jem. FLASH!!! Once the lights gone, Isaak looks completely different. His black hair is on edge, he has red and white gloves and running shoes, his suit is white with two red slashes going diagonally across left and right, and his mask is the same as the design on his suit.

Isaak looks down at his new look. "This is even COOLER!!!" Isaak yells. Of course, but I made Leyla look Magnificent! Patrisha comments. I want to argue, but it's me.

"Who was that? Is it another computer?" Isaak asks. "No, it's just my jem Patrisha. She's the only one we know of that can talk. Or at least talk through telepathy." I say. Yep, I'm special Patrisha say. Yes, 'very special'.

Suddenly the alarm starts flaring. "I guess it's time to fight the bad guys." Caleb says. The rest of them FLASH!!! Right when I slam down my whip to make a portal, Caleb asks, "Wanna come Isaak? Maybe we can find out why you were at their base."

Isaak puts his katanas on his floating ring before saying, "I guess so." Ashley and Brandon walk through first, then Caleb, then Isaak, then I walk through and close the portal behind me.

I look at where we arrived, the Memorial library. I'm no superhero fanatic, but superheros or villians don't usually go to a library ... at all Patrisha says. Hey, Henry said the villians were here, and besides, there's a hole in the side of the building.

We all walk towards the jagged circle in the side of the library. Caleb leads us through and into the fiction section. "What could they want in the library?" Asks Caleb. "Probably The Book." Henry says out if nowhere.

"Whats 'The Book'?" Asks Brandon, putting parenthesis around the book. "It's a book that has secrets about your jems. Actually all the jems, even the ones we still don't know about." Henry informs us. "If it's such a valuable book, why isn't it in our library?" I ask Henry. "That's a good question. Ask your parents, they'll know." Henry says. Caleb starts searching through books. "Come on guys, we don't have time to call our parents, we need to get our hands on the book before the villains." The rest of us start looking for 'The Book'. Not even a minute later, the bad guys walk up to the fiction section. Katlin has 'The Book' in her possession.

I'm the first to notice, and immediately grab the whips on my arms. "Hand over that book!" I yell. Suddenly from the front desk, the lady Shhhhhh!!! me. "Actually, this is 'The Book', see." Katlin corrects, holding the book up. Who seriously titles a book, 'The Book'? Patrisha asks. Don't ask me, I'm just trying to get it.

I slash my whip at Katlin, but she jumps up and dodges the attack. Suddenly Kad shoots a flamethrower at me. Before I can even make a barrier, Isaak cuts through the intense flame being throw at me. Kad stops and says, "Wait a minute, your with them!?! But we brought you here! Isaak, you were our second successful revival. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Why would it? And why turn me back into a fourteen year old?" Isaak asks, still wanting answers. "You didn't have kids who could wield the power of the Agility jem, because your wife couldn't have kids or whatever. So we thought, what the heck, while bringing him back, why not make him young again. It's a win-win." Kad finishes. Isaak's face looks sad. "I never had ... children."

"Henry-" "Yes Leyla ... it's true. Issak never had the joy of raising children in his life." Henry answers my question.

Now I feel bad for Isaak, he never had the joy of raising a little him. "Now this book here, it can change all that. It could change time if we find the Clockwork jem. You could change that. Adopt kids with your spouse, and live happily with grandchildren." Kad adds to his tale.

Isaak now looks up at Kad, and he looks like he wants that, he wants to see his children grow up and have children of their own. Kad puts out his hand, "Join us. We can change your life for the better."

"Don't do it Isaak, it's a trick!" Yells Caleb.

Isaak turns towards us and points one of his katanas at me. "Isaak, what are you doing?"I ask in shock.

"Joining the side that'll change my life, my original life, for the better." He said seriously.

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