Short Story 5: Corruption (Part 3)

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Brandon's POV:

"Huh?" I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes, but I can't move my arms. Actually, I can't move anything. I'm stuck standing up. I blink a couple of times and I'm brought to the Power Plant. Why are we here? And who called me a Creep Show?

I ... can't ... remember ...

Nothing. I- "WAKE UP!!! Man, how many times do I have to say it?" Kad. I know that voice anywhere. I look to my right, and left to see my friends recovering from ... whatever happened. It must have been bad if I'm tied up and can't remember anything.

"Whaa are we doing here?" I here Jordan ask, sleepily. Kad- What the?!!??! He has in his possession the Dark jem. How do I know? Because his flames are as dark as the black midnight sky.

"How'd you get the Dark jem?" I ask. "None of your business. But, I do have something planned for y'all. Leyla is our living example. LEYLA! GET OVER HERE!" Kad calls.

In the background, I here Leyla's water jetpack. She lands in front of us, and she's scary! Wait! Evil eyes, Leyla, the jem ... I remember now! Now I'm MAD! "Hi Brandon! Your looking tied up, oh wait, YOU ARE!" Then Leyla starts laughing along with Kad.

I want to grab my flail, but I forgot I'm tied to a pole. They high five as me and the other hero's try to break free from these metal ropes. "Oh look, they're struggling." Leyla says helplessly. "Why do you need us tied up?" Caleb asks; annoyance is getting the best of him right now, I can tell. "Come on everyone, lets bring them to our base." Kad commands.

He snaps, the second he does, our surroundings immediately change to a room, connected to a glass room. Kind of looks like an interrogation room. Why would they need to interrogate us? Suddenly behind us, Chris swings overhead, kicking Olivia on the way. "Hey watch where your going!" She yells.

Chris just snickers. "Kad, what is the meaning of all this!?" Caleb forces.

Kad laughs, as if it's funny. "Since you'll be working for me, I guess I can tell you. I'm going to make you into Leyla over here, our lovely, wonderful, zombie. You guys will do whatever I want with a better personality, just like Leyla! Look I'll show you!"

Chris then grabs me, rips the metal ropes off, and throws me into the room made of glass. "Do y'all have no sense of kindness?" I ask, getting off the ground. "Nope, go inside Leyla!" Kad says. Leyla walks inside the room, and closes the door behind her, making no escape for me.

I see Kad talking behind the glass, but I can't here him. Oh, soundproof glass. Great.

I look at Leyla, who's been staring at me since she's stepped inside the room. "H-Hi Leyla." I greet hesitantly. Leyla sighs in a rude girly way. "Just shut up. I don't wanna talk to your skinny lameness." What the- Where did this attitude come from. "Are you Ok Leyla? Wait of course not, this is the alter personality." I say to myself.

"No Brandon I'm fine. I'm great, I'm exactly how I was before I met you. Happy and never rushing to your needy self." Leyla talks. "I'm not needy!" I argue. She laughs. "Really, because I remember yesterday you needed me to help you with your homework, then needed me to go to the park with you, then need me to say bye. Is that not needy or what?"

"I thought you just-" "Thought what? I wanted to hang out with you? I HATE you! Understand?" Leyla asks. I feel so hurt by all she just said. Guilt from what she said is consuming me. I don't know why ... but I do ...

"No ..." I say quietly. "NO! I know this isn't you! The real Leyla wouldn't say that!" I try. Leyla smirks. She knows she's getting to me, with those dark possessed eyes. "I just said it, therefore, making you the person I hate the most."

I felt the water coming to my eyes long before, but now, I'm crying. Crying from what she said, crying because I lost a friend, and crying because my girlfriend dumped me.

Suddenly Kad bangs on the glass, mouthing out words. Leyla nods and starts walking towards me. "Get away from me!" I yell at Leyla as she's walking towards me. Her glowing black eyes make me want to kill her, but she's my ... girlfriend. She lashes down her whip making a stream flow towards me.

The water crawls up my body and freezes me in place. My zombie girlfriend walks closer to me as I try breaking free. Her slippers sound eerily creepy in the science of the room. She grabs my face and stares deeply into my eyes.

"Don't my eyes look beautiful?" Leyla asks in a girly way. I try as hard as I can to avoid her gaze. "Come on Brandon, don't you love me?" She asks sadly. Not after ... but Leyla is still in there!

"I-" I look into her eyes. The black hole filling her eyes.

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