Short Story 2: Onto My Secret

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Caleb's POV:

I slam my hand on the top of my alarm clock. I sit up and stretch in my bed. "Oh my God, school." I yawn. I slip out of bed and get ready for the day. Clothes, teeth, hair, breakfast. Morning necessities for me. After taking my last spoon full of cereal, Leyla walks into the kitchen.

I give her the stink eye for not telling me about Ashley. She walks over and says, "Caleb, I'm sorry! When are going to stop giving me that weird eye glare?!" I laugh for a second and answer, "Ok, what I'm giving you is a stink eye, and I'm gonna stop when I think you've learned your lesson." Leyla grunts and walks to the fridge.

Hey, it's not my fault she didn't follow directions. What if something went wrong with Ashley's powers? What if she couldn't handle the power? I'm watching out for everyone, not trying to be a mean big brother. I look at my phone. 7:50. Time to go to the bus stop. "Come on sis!" I yell, grabbing my backpack. "Coming!" She yells back. I walk out the door ready for another boring day of school.


I'm stopped in the hallway by Jordan. Jordan Daring, tall, smart, athletic, handsome. I'm guessing every girls dream. He hasn't ever went out with anybody though. Weird. He doesn't really talk to me alot; we're the friends who talk every once in awhile. Anyway, he holds his hand out in front of me and says, "Stop Caleb. I gotta question to ask you."
I look at my watch, a few minutes before the bell rings. "Let's walk and talk." I say dragging him with me towards my next class. "Ok, Caleb ... are you a ... superhero?" He asks hesitantly. I stop like I got stuck in a fly trap. Then I laugh to act like it was funny. "Me?! You think I'm one of those hero's on the news?!" I laugh. He blushes in embarrassment. I stop so I'm not being rude.

I answer, "No, I'm not. If I was ... I don't know." I know that's a lie, but I can't just tell him. I wonder why he asked? "Oh ... sorry. I just thought ... because you got off the bus that one time when the school was on fire. And the one time you went to the restroom and didn't come back until after those villains were stop. That couldn't be coincidence, right?" He says. I did do those things. And the bathroom thing, I did use the restroom but got called to stop Kad and them. That one was a coincidence.

"I see where you could think I might be a hero, but I'm ... not." I answer again. Why'd I hesitate to say not? Because I try not to lie. But keeping a superhero secret is an exception. "Ok, sorry for accusing you." He apologizes. "No problem. Let's just go to first period." I say. We walk into first period as soon as Bring Bring! happens.

"Ok, see you later Caleb." Jordan says, walking towards the other side of the classroom. I wave goodbye and walk to my seat. Our teacher, Mr. Watch, keeps working on his computer, as if the bell never rang. I guess he never heard the bell?

I guess that's good. I turn to my left to see Brian. He's the one I see in all my classes during the day. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, I'm pretty sure you get it. I've been thinking of recruiting him since I see him all the time at school. Before I say anything to Brian, there's an explosion. I look at our window to see Kad shooting jets of flame at the school. Again with burning down the school? I need to stop him. I raise my hand as every kid in our class rushes to the window. "Yes Caleb?" Mr. Watch asks. What's a good excuse to get out of class? Restroom? Nurse?

"May I get some water?" Comes out of my mouth. He nods and returns to working on his computer. I get up and walk to the door. I stop in front of the door and turn around. I turn my head to Jordan. He's staring directly at me, it's creepy. I quickly twist and make my way out the door. I guess I need to spill to Jordan.

After beating Kad, AND taking a sip of school fountain water.

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