Short Story 2: Onto My Secret (Part 3)

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Caleb's POV:
"Henry I'm worried, it's been longer than anyone has ever slept for absorbing a jems power." I say to Henry, pacing back and forth across the floor. Jordan's been put for five minutes, maybe he can't control it! Maybe it's killing him from the inside out!

"Henry, scan him to see if he's Ok." I force, worried. Henry's screen beams a light on Jordan's body, I'm guessing scanning him. The light moves up and down, then disappears. I look at the screen and Henry answers, "He's alive and is still bonding with the jem." That's a relief, I didn't want a dying superhero.

Suddenly the elevator door opens, and Leyla and Brandon walk inside. Wonder what their doing here? "Hey guys, what's the matter?" I ask. "Oh well we got bored in the game floor so we came to the Main floor to see what you were doing." Brandon explains. "We see your bringing Jordan into the team." Leyla comments. I start blushing, "Welllll, he kind of ... found out." I say hesitantly. "WHAT!?!" They yell in unison. "But your the leader, you should keep this secret better than any of us, right?" Brandon asks.

"Caleb, you didn't notify me about Jordan finding out your secret. I could of just erased his mind." Henry says. "You can do that?" Leyla asks intrigued. "There's a lot of things you don't know I am capable of, and yes, I can erase people's minds. I've only did it once before, but doing it again would be fun!" Henry says excitedly.

"I'm sure it would be, but we're too late for that." I say, pointing to the unconscious boy on the couch. Suddenly Jordan starts moving. He's up! We all walk over to the couch he was laying on.

"I'm so tired, why did I wake up?" Jordan asks. Because your bonded with the jem now you dummy Patrisha says rudely. Jordan looks around the room and looks scared. "Who said that?" Leyla, because it's her jem, explains, "That was my talkative jem Patrisha. She can be mean sometimes. Sorry. She talks through telepathy, so that's why you could hear her." I'm not always rude Patrisha complains. "Well your rude enough of the time." I say to the jem.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but the villains are afoot." Henry informs. Great, just what I need when recruiting a new member to the team. I walk over to the keyboard and find out it's Molly and Kad. And Molly's on a machine that looks like a miniature tank. Honestly it kind of looks funny. What does it shoot? Guess we'll have to find out.

I turn back around to the others and say, "You two go and see what that duo is up to. I need to finish getting Jordan his equipment." Both Leyal and Brandon nod before FLASHING! "Abra ka Dabra!" Yells Leyla, and her wand make a portal again. The two wave goodbye before disappearing through the portal.

"Time to pick your weapon!" I say to Jordan, rubbing my hands together.


Leyla's POV:
So where are the bad guys? Patrisha asks. "There!" I yell pointing to the explosion. And how do you know it's them? Patrisha asks. "Maybe she's just thinking an explosion is just fireworks going off instead of a tank shot." Brandon says sarcastically. We hurry up and fly over to the explosions.

From the air, we see Kad breaking anything is sight, while a tank, piloted by Molly, is following him. She too is shooting random spots in town. I wonder why? It's not like their searching for something, so what could they want? That's a good question, why don't we find out Patrisha hints. Oh right, mind reading, thanks Partisha! Your welcome.

"I'm flying in to stop them from destroying the town, you two read Molly's mind, because Kad's just dumb." Brandon says before zipping in the way of Kad and shocking him. Time to read science girls mind. I stare directly at her; my vision becomes blurry and pinkish. Suddenly I'm listening to Molly think. Just a little closer before I can test out my new invention. A tank that shoots nuclear bombs! I stop listening after that.

We need to warn Brandon! Patrisha says urgently. Right, let's go. I start flying towards Molly and her tank. "Brandon get away! Kad's leading you into a trap!" I yell through my mask. Suddenly Kad flings Brandon behind him in front of the tanks line of sight. I gotta hurry!

I'm an inch away when Molly says, "See you, NEVER!" She pulls the trigger when I slam into her, but I'm too late. It fired, straight at Brandon, and I saw the explosion. I look around a second for him, nothing.

My boyfriend, gone. She'll pay, her and stupid Kad! I grab my whip against my wrist and slam down on Molly's head, and I pull her up by the neck. I circle Molly around and launch her at the ground. Now Kad, I grow the bubble on the ends to the size of him, and whip at the fiery kid. It slams him in the front and completely douses him.

Suddenly, I look back at the tank and grab the top. Suddenly, my whips are like hundred pound weights, and my body is heavy. Why am I so drained all of a suddenly? I fall to the ground face first. "Oww." I groan in pain. Come on Leyla, get up, get revenge for Brandon! Suddenly a shadow falls over me; I look up and see Molly. Her body completely healed, no scratches, no bleeding, no bones that should of broken! She's an ordinary human, how did she recover from a bash in the head, strangling, and getting slammed into concret?!?

"Surprised by my recovery? Used a little healing mixture before coming to battle." She gloats. Of course she did Patrisha says angrily. I totally agree with you Patrisha. Molly picks me up like a doll and throws me at the tank. Moment I hit it, my strength diminished. Leyla, the tank is nuclear rocks, that why your so weak when you touch it! Patrisha tells.

Kinda figured that out, but thanks. I try standing up, nope too much strength required. I look in Molly's direction to see her and Kad walking to me.

This won't end well. Thanks, that's what I need right now!

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