Short Story 4: Forecast Calls for... (Part 2)

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Caleb's POV:
"Ashley, it's been two days and your vision hasn't come true. Were you lying just to get David on the team?"  I interrogate Ashley on the couch.

"NO! I really saw him fighting with us. Just because it hasn't come true, doesn't mean it won't ever happen. My glimpse into the future could be weeks apart, or seconds apart." Ashley explains.

"How would you know?" I ask. "Because it's happened to me! Ever since getting powers, my future sight has happened almost everyday. Warning me about what's going to happen. You can't tell me I'm lying." I now feel bad. What if her glimpses are bad sometimes? Then she knows what will happen sometimes, if she wants to or not.

Suddenly the elevator opens and two people come out, Leyla and David. Unlike Ashley, David is interested in being a Superhero; he's been practicing really hard since he's had his powers. And he still looks like someone I know ... I just can't put my finger on it.

"Where's Ashley? Me and David wanted to go to the park with her." Leyla asks.

"I'm here. Sorry Caleb, gotta go." And before the three walk out, the alarm goes off. "Hold on guys. Henry what's happening?"

"Well Caleb, Kad, Chris, and Katlin are terrorizing the park." Henry tells me. The original three. "Ok guys, Ashley's vision is coming true!" Leyla says excitedly. "Let's all go to the park, as planned, except now were kicking villain butt!" David says. We all FLASH!

"Abra ca Dabra!" Leyla says, waving her wand in the air. A bubble shoots out a few feet before expanding into a portal. We walk through and end up at the park, aflame.

I look around; the playground and swings are totally broken, people seem injured, and the villains are still terrorizing. "Leyla, help the injured." I say. Leyla rushes to a seriously burned person and takes out her whip.

"Ok David and Ashley, let's stop these creeps." I rush straight at Kad. Slamming him in the arm. My hit knocks him into the slide. "Caleb would you just give up already? There's someone you don't even know helping us." He fires a ball of flames, but I fly up before it hits me.

What does he mean? Who's helping them? Kad floats off the slide and fires a rain of embers into the air. They fall back down like asteroids. This is bad! I got to stop them.

But before I could shoot, David flies up and moves his hands up and together. At first he looks like he's meditating or something, but I look higher than him to see the clouds above moving with his hands. The clouds become denser and darker before you can see the Sun's light. But outside the cloud it's a normal, sunny day. Pretty awesome!

Then from above the clouds you can hear crackling and booming.

It last for about a minute before David loosens the clouds and let's them drift by the winds. David turns around and brags, "And that's how you stop a fireball shower." "Whatever." I say. I laser Kad in the chest before he tries something else.

"David, stop fooling around and help us out." Kad grunts. Wait What?!?!

Suddenly I'm forced to the ground by a string. I follow it back to the person to see Chris. He starts wrapping me up in his infinite mummy wraps until I'm a Bug Burrito.

I try ripping through the strings, but there like ... some super strong rope! Chris detaches his ominous floating strings from my cocoon and says, "Come on little brother, we need your help!" Chris yells at David. Wait! Black hair and Brown eyes, of course! I knew David reminded me of someone, I just wish it was someone else. David looks at me, not with anger, but ashamed.

I get it now! David doesn't want to join the villains, but they need him for recruits. David, with indecisive face, starts spinning his hands around each other.

I think I know what that's going to make. I fly at David, but before I reach him, the wind breaks loose. I fall back to a tree and fall to the ground. "Owww!" I look up and see the tornado starting to form.

"I wonder how this is going to end." I ask myself.

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