Short Story 1: Best Friend (Part 2)

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Leyla's POV:
"One staff coming up!" Henry says. Suddenly, from behind the weapons box (which we don't need anymore, we should just toss it out) there's the sound of CLINGING, CLANKING and gears turning. Then suddenly the box expands, and the sounds are no where to be heard. "Is it ready?" Ashley asks. "Yep! Go get your weapon!" Henry says excitedly. We walk over to the weapons box (which now almost covers the whole wall) and open it.

In the newly expanded area, is Ashley's staff. It's just a long pole with cylinders wrapped around the ends. "Cool! Wait, why is there a hole in it?" She points to the jem shaped hole in the middle of the staff. "That's where you place your jem." I explain. "Ohhhhhhhhh, that makes sense." She says. She takes the jem from her left hand, and fits it into the empty space.

The moment she places the jem in the hole, it starts glowing, as well as her eyes. Violently glowing. I can see the power flowing through her, through her staff. Her jem and eyes starts dimming down to normal after a few seconds of that. "Again, that was pretty cool!" She says smiling. I grab my whip then say, "Watch this." I take a step back, then press my jem.

Suddenly, water builds up around me, then clings to my body, FLASH! I open my eyes when I changed into my outfit. Ashley looks at me and asks, "Are you a magician?" "You could say that. But why don't you try changing clothes as well. Just press you jem." I tell her. She looks down at her staff, then, hesitantly, presses the jem.

Out of nowhere, magma starts rising from the ground and starts moving all over Ashley's body before, FLASH! When the light disappears, Ashley has flowing lava hair, molten heels and gloves, a red and bubbling shirt with the symbol of a volcano on it, molten jeans, and she's giving off a blazing heat. "Dang, you look great!" I exclaim. BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP! "What's that!?" Ashley asks, running behind the couch. I walk over to the monitors saying, "It's just the villain alarm. Henry, what's up?" "Well, Kad and Katlin are stealing nuclear radiation from the laboratory." "To stop us from using our powers, we can't let them get away with that. I'll go." And before I even get off the floor, Henry suggests, "Why not take Ashley along?" "Me!? No no no, I just got my powers!" She excuses. "It could be a great learning experience!" Henry reasons. I sigh. Just go, Henry could come up with every reason you should possibly go, he's a supercomputer you know Patrisha says.

"Fine ... I'll go." Ashley says. "Good luck." Henry says, as we're floating out of the roof.


We land in front of the research facility. And when we land, we hear Elizabeth Hernandez talking about the break in. She walks over to us asking, "Are you two going to stop the villains who broke in?" She puts the microphone in front of Ashley. She looks as scared as a cat getting chased by a dog. I grab the mic and say, "We'll stop them, don't worry WestHigh." Then I grab Ashley's warm arm, and pull her into the building.

When were through the door. Ashley says, "Thanks, I didn't know what to say." "No prob. But now-" I get cut off by the sound of squeaking wheels. We look to the left to see Katlin pushing a giant canister, and leading her was Kad. On the canister, theres a symbol of a skull on it. That can't be good Patrisha says to me. Definitely not good.

I grab my whip and flick it in their direction. It slams both of them, sending them straight against the wall. Kad and Katlin recover quickly from the blow, at least quicker than I thought. "Look, it's WaterGirl and- HEY, another fire jem. OH IT'S ON!" Kad yells. He flies straight towards Ashley. She srceams, and ducks on the ground. And when ducking, lava starts flying out from the ground, making a dome around me and Ashely. You can see the ripples of lava, like water, where Kad's trying to break through. "You use your first defense mechanism Ashley. Your forcefield, but yours is made of lava!" I say. She gets up from the floor and looks at the l ava dome we're in. "I made this?" She asks, amazed. "Yep, but we should really stop them. Could you blow this up or something?" She nods, then stomps her foot on the ground. The ground starts rumbling, the floor starts cracking, then suddenly BOOM!!!

The dome explodes as if a volcano erupted around us. The explosion pushed Kad and Katlin all the way against the wall again. I give Ashley a high five. "Great job! Let's go return the canister." I start walking towards the canister, cooling the lava I step on. I realize she's not following me. "Are you coming?" I ask. "No, I need to return this lava under the crust of the earth. You put back the canister, but be careful." She says. Then she closes her eyes and starts glowing red. The lava around me starts flowing back into the crack in the ground. I just walk over and start pushing the canister of nuclear waste, back towards the direction where they came from.

I easily find the room labeled TOXIC WASTE (NUCLEAR), also the room with a hole melted through it. I push it next to all the other canisters, and walk back to the lobby of the facility. Back at the lobby I hear, "Don't burn me!" Uh-oh. When I get back, Kad and Ashley are battling it out with fire and lava.

When the lava and fire hit, it creates a miniature explosion. Katlin just watches looking bored. When I take one step into the room, her head cocks towards me so fast, it scared me. "Look who's back!" She growls. She starts running towards me, I mean sprinting towards me. I shoot water out of my hand, and when it hits Katlin, freeze it. Now she has her feet frozen in a block of ice. The second I walk over to her, she breaks free and slashes me to the ground. I could of told you that was going to happen Patrisha complains. Why didn't you then?! Because I thought you were going to freeze her completely before walking over to her. Such a helpful jem. Katlin pinned me to the ground and is now punching my chest. Hurts. REALLY HURTS! I grab her arm and fling her over in Kad's direction.

She only flies a few feet before falling to the ground. I stagger up to my feet and look at my chest. Red is splattered over my dress. "Eh, could be worst." I say, ignoring the pain. I look towards Ashley to see she wrapped Kad up in solid rock, or cool lava? Whatever it was, he couldn't blast out of it!

Then Katlin stands up again. "It's going to take a lot more than that to stop me!" She yells. Then she takes a deep breath ... and super growls! The sound stings my ears, making me want to rip my ears off my head. I try to shoot water at her, but under the sonic sound, the water keeps vibrating away. Ashley uses the time to smash her foot against the ground again. A split in the Earth starts from her foot and starts creeping towards Katlin. When it gets underneath her, lava shoots out from the ground, and she's unable to be seen. The second the lava falls to the ground, you can see Katlin burning. BURNING!!!

I blast Katlin with water. After a minute of dowsing her, she falls to the ground, with scorched fur. I make a portal with my whip by hitting it on the ground. I pick up Katlin and drag her to the portal. I toss her through the portal, and right behind me, Ashley throws Kad's cocoon towards the portal. I take a step back before it hits me, then it vanishes through the portal. "Thanks for the help!" I say gratefully. "Guess I know another power of mine." She says. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. She rolls her eyes and says, "Future glimpse. I can see things into the future. I screamed 'Don't burn me!', and that was glimpse into the future!"

"I wish I had that power!" I say to her. We talk all the way back to the hideout.


When we land inside the hideout, Caleb's there. And the smile on his face is upside down.


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