Short Story 4: Forecast Calls for ... (Part 3)

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Leyla's POV:
After finishing up my 27th patient, I go and help my friends. I rush to Ashley's side, who fighting with Katlin. I form my wand from my whips and say, "Suppendo de Aires!" The end of my wand glows when saying this, and Katlin starts lifting off the ground. Then I shoot balls of water out the end of my wand, each orb hitting her directly in the face.

I stop dowsing and Ashely jumps up, above Katlin, and rushes lava down onto her. The lava forces her down to the ground; then she cools the lava, making Katlin immobile.

Ashley lands back down with a stomp. "Thanks for helping me there Leyla." Ashely thanks me. "No problemo." I smile. Out of nowhere, the winds start picking up around us. Swirling and forming a cylinder shape. I look at the base of the twister to see David. What's he doing?! That tornado could tear our city to shreds! But he knows that, so why is he doing this?

I run over, or try even walking against the fierce and powerful winds blowing against me. When I'm in hearing distance, I yell to David, "What are you doing?!?" David looks down at me, then looks at his ever spinning hands. "I can't stop it now. Once this is released, it will bring our city to ruin." Says David. "But why? Aren't you one of us?" Asks Ashely.

Once again, David looks away from us at Chris. "I can't deny my brothers orders." David says sadly. Suddenly David stops his hands and grasps the tornado with his bare hands. I got to admit, THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!!

Before David launches it to the main part of town, David says, "Sorry guys." He side throws it towards our home. "Trop a Matel!" I say, waving my wand around in the air. Suddenly a metal cage appears around David and slowly falls to the ground. I ignore him and rush towards the dangerous wind cone on a wave of water.

I look to my left to see my brother flying next to me. "Leyla, I need you to stop it's movement. Once you stop it, I'll tear it apart." Caleb says. I nod and surf as fast as I can to the tornado. When I'm close enough to where I'm not sucked in, I lash my wand into my whips. I disconnect the whips from my arms and connect them together to make a magical water lasso. I spin it above my head like cowboys do and yell, "Lassio me Tigh!" Then I fling it through the wind, but when I pull back, the lasso grabs and holds the storm.

"Caleb, now would be a great time!" I pant, walking in the opposite direction the tornado is trying to go. Suddenly a light, or my brother, zooms straight through the twister. After a second, the tornado explodes in a wind-splosion! I wipe the extra water away from my head and sigh in relief. I start walking back to the park.


When I return to the park, I reunite with my friends at David's Cage. "So, you were never on our side David?" Caleb says to interrogate him. David says in a sorry full matter, "I couldn't not listen to my brother. He wanted me to be a villain ever since I found out about his powers a few months ago. I wanted to be a superhero, like Superman! But with a villainous brother, he started being meaner and crueler to me and my parents. So I said I'd trick y'all into giving me whatever powers and helping him. I thought that would stop him being to ... evil. But I was DEFINITELY wrong. So do whatever you want with me." David says, putting his hands in front of him.

We all look at each other, sympathetic to his story. I say a few words through all our heads, and Caleb nods to what I say. I say, "Free thou Boui!" The cage around David POOFS, leaving David standing there.

"You're letting me go?" David asks confused. "David, join your brother. You want to make him happier, do what you can. Just don't kill us." I say sarcastically. David smiles before flinging off on a tornado.

I really hope he doesn't become a pain Patrisha comments. He will, but we'll stop him. Because were heroes.

End Of Short Story!

Thanks to everyone who's reading this! I just want to list what Leyla's spells mean when she says them in this Short Stroy. Just because.

Abra ca Dabra!- Open a portal!

Suppendo de Aires!- Suspend in the Air!

Trip a Matel!- Trap in Metal!

Lassio me Tigh!- Lasso it tight!

Free thou Boui!- Free the Boy!

And now you all know magic! I'm gonna vanish now, so Enjoy Every Book You Ever Read! (Fog of smoke. No ones there anymore.)

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