Short Story 6: Well isn't This Purrrfect

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Anthony's POV:
And again, Stacy makes lunch my favorite period of the day; how?, by pouring milk all over Kad's shirt. Who is Stacey? My good, jokester, always smiling, kind hearted, friend who tries to find the good in people. Well, most people. I can't wait to ask her, about my other life.

Once we throw away our trays of food, the bell rings, signaling us to leave. We walk back to grab our backpacks. And while we're putting on our backpacks, I say to Stacy, "Stacy, can you come with me real quick?"

She nods and I walk with her to the corner of the cafeteria. "Hey um ... This might sound crazy, but ... would you like to become a superhero?" I ask shyly. Stacy, excited, asks, "For real? Like the ones on the news that Elizabeth Hernandez always interviews. Those ones?!"

She was on the dot! "Yeah! Meet me at Caleb's house after school. I'll explain more about powers there." I explain. Stacy starts jumping and singing, "I'm gonna be a superhero! I'm gonna be a superhero!"

I stop her by putting a finger to her mouth. "Rule #1 when being a superhero, is not tell people your a superhero." I inform. "But you told me." Stacy argues. "Because ... nevermind. Just don't tell anybody." I say, walking to class, a little mad.


"And just recently the others stopped Kad from turning everyone into zombies." I say.

Stacy is still absorbing all the information on our past. Our LONG past. Stacey stands up, "Wait wait, so you guys almost lost to the bad guys ... multiple times?" "Well, more like they had a good plan, and we didn't expect that ... and a lot of other stuff. The point on bring you here is-" "TO BECOME A SUPERHERO!" Stacy yells in excitement.

"Stop yelling Stacy, we're right here." Henry says. I take out my jem from my pocket. "You'll be getting one of these." I say, holding my jem up. Stacy looks at the jem, closely. Like she's piercing it with her eyes. "Your not holding anything." Stacey tells me. Now I'm confused. "Um Henry?"

"Stacy has no relation to any jem whatsoever, so she can't see the one you own. But she can see the ones in the glass table, right?" Henry ask, making sure he's right.

"Yeah I see the ones in the table, but Anthony ... your holding air." Stacy says, still confused. The table starts moving the cubes making it up. Once a jem is perfectly in the middle on top of the table, the configuration stops. "So is that mine or what?" Stacy asks, walking closer to the rock. This jem has a cat face as the symbol, and is gray with tints of purple.

"Yes Stacy, that jem is yours." Henry answers. Stacy jumps for joy and quickly grabs the jem. The moment she does she falls on the table. "Uhhhh!!!" I was waiting for the table to react to the strong hit, but the spikes didn't come out. "I deactivated the defense system. We don't want human all over the room now do we?" Henry tells me. "I certainly don't." I say, carrying Stacy to the couch.


A few minutes later, Stacy woke up, as forgetting as anyone could be, so I had to explain what happened. "Cool, so now what?" Stacy asks, still new to everything. I grab the axe on my belt. "Your getting a weapon." I say, showing off my skills by tossing and catching my axe.

"Look, can I have a axe?" She asks innocently. "Course, pick a weapon." Henry enters, pulling up the list. We walk over and Stacy looks carefully, as if this is a life or death situation. "I want a knife."

"Ok then."

And behind the giant weapons box, you can hear gears, hammers, and pumps until it expands. We walk over and open the box to a hunters knife with, of course, a hole for a jem in the handle.

Stacy, already knowing somehow, puts the jem in the hole. Her eyes glow intensely and powers flow through her and her weapon. Her eyes diminish to normal after a few seconds. "That was cool! Do I get a costume next?" Stacy asks. "Watch."

I press my jem. FLASH!!! "Now I'm a superhero." I say normally. Stacy immediately presses her jem. FLASH!!! I look at her suit. It's a cat. Literally a cat, she has a mask that connects to cat ears, a grey jumpsuit, claws that can retract from her hands and feet, and fur only around her wrists and ankles. "Am I a-" "Yes. Your suit is a cat. Your powers, which I never told you, were cat powers. You have flexible bones, super jump, retractable claws, and nine lives." Henry says.

"Your kidding about the nine lives part right?" I ask, half laughing. "Nope, Stacy has eight more lives than you. And actual cats too." Henry says.

"But that's just a myth or joke." I try to correct. "Would a supercomputer lie to you?" Henry asks. I start blushing. "No."

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