Chapter One: The Return

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I pulled up to the familiar apartment. It was pouring outside. Of course, on the day, when I come back from Washington D.C, it would be a torrential downpour. I dragged my luggage inside, hurrying up the all-too-familiar steps towards the fifth floor of the building. I stopped outside the door to my old apartment, hesitant to knock. Mason and Daniel would be surprised to see me. They would have so many questions. How was Washington? How was your job? Where’s Noah?

I sighed at the thought. Noah. Maybe I could get away with a simple it just didn’t work it out. Of course, there was more to the story – Hell – A ton more to the story but I didn’t really feel like returning to the subject of my awful break-up with Noah.

I knocked sharply on the door. I could hear Mason and Daniel shouting at each other, over who should answer it. God, some things never change.

“Yeah Daniel and it’s probably the boogeyman,” Mason huffed as I heard the sound of a lock turned. The door swung open, and Mason stared at me in shock.

“Jayson! What are you doing here?” Mason said. “Daniel! It’s Jayson.”

“Jayson,” Daniel said rushing towards me. “Oh my god! Jayson! You’re back! You’re back! You’re back! What are you doing here? Man! It’s been so long!”

“Well, I’m back for good,” I replied walking inside of the apartment. I glanced around – everything was still in the same place it was when I left. It was like I was never gone. I tossed my suitcase onto the floor, as I plopped onto the couch.

“You’re back for good?” Mason asked questioningly. “Meaning – you’re not going back to Washington?”

“No – I’m not going back to Washington,” I replied. “Danny – Can I have a beer?”

“No problem,” Daniel said. “You want anything else? Maybe a sandwich.”

“No thanks Daniel,” I chuckled. “Just the beer.”

With Daniel, you never what know kind of sandwich you’re going get. He would put the weirdest things together sometimes. A peanut butter and bologna sandwich did not seem at all appetizing right at this moment.

“I’m guessing something happened between you and Noah?” Mason began.

“I don’t want to talk about Noah,” I huffed. “Things just didn’t work out between us.”

“So you guys broke up?” Daniel asked handing me a beer.

“We aren’t together,” I replied nodding.

“So you’re broken up?” Daniel nodded. God, he was so slow sometimes.

“Yes Daniel, we are broken up,” I snorted. “So, I’m moving back in to the apartment! Back into my old room!”

Daniel and Mason gave each other a look as soon as I said that.

“Yeah about that,” Mason began.

“What’s happened to my room? What did you guys do?” I asked suddenly paranoid.

“You’re room is el occupied,” Daniel replied. “If you know what I’m saying.”

“Just because you put el in front of an English word doesn’t make it Spanish, Daniel,” I retorted. “God – so you’re saying my room is occupied. Let me guess – Nick.”

“No,” Daniel replied. “No! Not Nick.”

“Nick was staying here in your room but he uh – moved out,” Mason nodded.

“He did? Why?” I asked. “He couldn’t handle you two, huh.”

“No Jayson,” Mason replied. “Nick is married.”

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