Chapter Twelve: Ladies Who Lunch

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Weeks passed since I last saw Noah. He was a faded memory in the back of my mind and no one in the house ever mentioned his name. It was all about Zack and I now. Zack was my boyfriend and I was happy with him. I hadn’t felt this happy in a while. I mean sure Zack had his flaws, but he was a sweet guy. He never did anything to make me doubt him. He was honest. So he was a stripper and that could be a little daunting at times, but he was changing. He had gone back to school, and he promised me that as soon as he got himself a degree, he would quit.

Zack had even gotten me to register for some classes at the local community college. I was working towards a degree in business. I actually felt good about life. Things were definitely looking up for the both of us.

“Zack,” I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Frozen yogurt. You and I right now.”

“No time,” Zack said kissing me on the lips. “I have a gig – a birthday party.”

“I thought you said you wouldn’t be doing any more of those,” I groaned as he rubbed baby oil across his chest.

“They’re paying a ton of money and I was specifically requested, Jayson,” he continued as pulled a pair of pants on.

“Special request,” I smirked. “Excuse me, I’d like to specially request my boyfriend right now.”

“You’re cute Jayson,” Zack chuckled running his hand through my hair. “I’ll be home before you know it. I just do a little dance, say a happy birthday and then I’ll be back here giving you your special performance.”

Zack gave a playful wink as he sat on my lap. I rolled my eyes pushing him off of me, as he slid his police hat on.

“You just assaulted an officer,” Zack grinned. “I ought to you arrest you.”

“Go ahead,” I huffed. “Cuff me.”

“You’d like that, huh,” Zack said blowing a kiss at me. “I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Alright,” I shrugged heading out of his room. I walked into the kitchen, opening up the fridge for a snack to see it was completely empty. I rolled my eyes, as I stomped my way into Mason’s room. He was in charge of grocery shopping.

“Mason! What’s the deal? The fridge is like empty,” I growled knocking on his bedroom door. “Mason! Mason! Are you in there?”

I rolled my eyes, as I jiggled the door handle to no avail. He had locked the door. A few seconds later, the door swung open, and Mason appeared his hair in disarray.

“What did you just wake up?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah I was up all night last night,” Mason said rubbing his eyes.

“Up all night doing what?” I smirked raising an eyebrow. “Or should I say whom? Any guys or girls in here?”

“No! No guys or girls,” he said rolling his eyes. “I was talking on the phone.”

“To who?” I asked curiously. Mason paused for a moment.

“My uh – mother,” Mason said blatantly lying. I could always tell when he was lying because he could never look me in the eyes when he did. He was an open book.

“You’re lying,” I huffed. “Who were you really talking to?”

“Fine! Fine! I was talking to Liam’s mother,” he sighed. “She and I are talking again.”

“Liam’s mother? Wow,” I groaned. “You could have just said that.”

“Well I didn’t want you to know,” Mason growled. “It’s private.”

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